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Is road safety management linked to road safety performance?


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This research aims to explore the relationship between road safety management and road safety performance at country level. For that purpose, an appropriate theoretical framework is selected, namely the 'SUNflower' pyramid, which describes road safety management systems in terms of a five-level hierarchy: (ⅰ) structure and culture, (ⅱ) programmes and measures, (ⅲ) 'intermediate' outcomes' - safety performance indicators (SPIs), (ⅳ) final outcomes - fatalities and injuries, and (ⅴ) social costs. For each layer of the pyramid, a composite indicator is implemented, on the basis of data for 30 European countries. Especially as regards road safety management indicators, these are estimated on the basis of Categorical Principal Component Analysis upon the responses of a dedicated road safety management questionnaire, jointly created and dispatched by the ETSC/PIN group and the 'DaCoTA' research project. Then, quasi-Poisson models and Beta regression models are developed for linking road safety management indicators and other indicators (i.e. background characteristics, SPIs) with road safety performance. In this context, different indicators of road safety performance are explored: mortality and fatality rates, percentage reduction in fatalities over a given period, a composite indicator of road safety final outcomes, and a composite indicator of'intermediate' outcomes (SPIs). The results of the analyses suggest that road safety management can be described on the basis of three composite indicators: "vision and strategy", "budget, evaluation and reporting", and "measurement of road user attitudes and behaviours". Moreover, no direct statistical relationship could be established between road safety management indicators and final outcomes. However, a statistical relationship was found between road safety management and 'intermediate' outcomes, which were in turn found to affect 'final' outcomes, confirming the SUNflower approach on the consecutive effect of each layer.
机译:本研究旨在探讨国家一级道路安全管理与道路安全绩效之间的关系。为此,选择了一个适当的理论框架,即“ SUNflower”金字塔,该金字塔以五级层次结构描述了道路安全管理系统:(ⅰ)结构和文化,(ⅱ)程序和措施,(ⅲ) “中间”结果-安全绩效指标(SPI),(ⅳ)最终结果-死亡和伤害,以及(ⅴ)社会成本。对于金字塔的每一层,都基于30个欧洲国家/地区的数据实施综合指标。特别是在道路安全管理指标方面,这些指标是根据ETSC / PIN小组和“ DaCoTA”研究项目共同创建和分发的专用道路安全管理调查问卷的答复,在分类主成分分析的基础上进行估算的。然后,开发了拟泊松模型和Beta回归模型,以将道路安全管理指标和其他指标(即背景特征,SPI)与道路安全绩效联系起来。在这种情况下,探讨了道路安全绩效的不同指标:死亡率和死亡率,给定时期内死亡人数减少的百分比,道路安全最终结果的综合指标和“中间”结果的综合指标。分析结果表明,可以基于三个综合指标来描述道路安全管理:“远景和战略”,“预算,评估和报告”以及“道路使用者态度和行为的度量”。此外,在道路安全管理指标与最终结果之间无法建立直接的统计关系。但是,在道路安全管理与“中间”结果之间发现了统计关系,进而发现这些结果会影响“最终”结果,从而证实了SUNflower方法对每一层的连续影响。



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