首页> 外文期刊>Accident Analysis & Prevention >Angular Impact Mitigation system for bicycle helmets to reduce head acceleration and risk of traumatic brain injury

Angular Impact Mitigation system for bicycle helmets to reduce head acceleration and risk of traumatic brain injury


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Angular acceleration of the head is a known cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI), but contemporary bicycle helmets lack dedicated mechanisms to mitigate angular acceleration. A novel Angular Impact Mitigation (AIM) system for bicycle helmets has been developed that employs an elastically suspended aluminum honeycomb liner to absorb linear acceleration in normal impacts as well as angular acceleration in oblique impacts. This study tested bicycle helmets with and without AIM technology to comparatively assess impact mitigation. Normal impact tests were performed to measure linear head acceleration. Oblique impact tests were performed to measure angular head acceleration and neck loading. Furthermore, acceleration histories of oblique impacts were analyzed in a computational head model to predict the resulting risk of TBI in the form of concussion and diffuse axonal injury (DAI). Compared to standard helmets, AIM helmets resulted in a 14% reduction in peak linear acceleration (p < 0.001), a 34% reduction in peak angular acceleration (p < 0.001), and a 22-32% reduction in neck loading (p < 0.001). Computational results predicted that AIM helmets reduced the risk of concussion and DAI by 27% and 44%, respectively. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that AIM technology could effectively improve impact mitigation compared to a contemporary expanded polystyrene-based bicycle helmet, and may enhance prevention of bicycle-related TBI. Further research is required.
机译:头部的角加速度是颅脑外伤(TBI)的已知原因,但是现代自行车头盔缺乏减轻角加速度的专用机制。已开发出一种新颖的自行车头盔角碰撞缓解(AIM)系统,该系统采用弹性悬挂的铝蜂窝衬里吸收正常碰撞时的线性加速度以及倾斜碰撞时的角加速度。这项研究测试了具有和不具有AIM技术的自行车头盔,以比较评估缓解影响。进行正常的冲击测试以测量线性头部加速度。进行斜向冲击测试以测量头部的角加速度和颈部负荷。此外,在计算机头部模型中分析了倾斜冲击的加速历史,以预测脑震荡和弥漫性轴索损伤(DAI)形式的TBI的风险。与标准头盔相比,AIM头盔的峰值线性加速度降低了14%(p <0.001),峰值角加速度降低了34%(p <0.001),颈部负荷降低了22-32%(p < 0.001)。计算结果表明,AIM头盔分别将脑震荡和DAI风险降低了27%和44%。总之,这些结果表明,与现代扩展的聚苯乙烯基自行车头盔相比,AIM技术可以有效改善碰撞缓解效果,并且可以增强对自行车相关TBI的预防。需要进一步的研究。



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