class='kwd-title'>Keywords: c-fos, Glufosinate, '/> Acute glufosinate-based herbicide treatment in rats leads to increased ocular interleukin-1β and c-Fos protein levels as well as intraocular pressure
首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Toxicology Reports >Acute glufosinate-based herbicide treatment in rats leads to increased ocular interleukin-1β and c-Fos protein levels as well as intraocular pressure

Acute glufosinate-based herbicide treatment in rats leads to increased ocular interleukin-1β and c-Fos protein levels as well as intraocular pressure




class="kwd-title">Keywords: c-fos, Glufosinate, Interleukin-1β, Intraocular pressure class="head no_bottom_margin" id="abs0015title">AbstractGlufosinate is a common herbicide with neurotoxic effects, leading to seizures, convulsions and memory loss. Glufosinate indirectly induces glutamate toxicity by inhibiting glutamine synthesis in astrocytes. Here, we studied the acute toxic effects of a glufosinate-based herbicide in rat optic nerve at three doses (40, 80 or 120 μM, equal to 714 or 21 mg/kg bw/day). Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), urea, glucose, calcium, as well as creatinine concentrations were analyzed after 24, 48 and 72 h treatment. Intraocular pressure (IOP) (expressed as the average of both eyes) was measured with a rebound tonometer. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and c-Fos expression were determined by immunohistochemistry. The results established that the glufosinate-based herbicide significantly increased IL-1β and c-Fos immunopositivity in the optic nerve (p < 0.05), concomitant with increased IOP. These results suggest that commercial formulations of glufosinate acutely affect the optic nerve.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字: c-fos,Glufosinate,Interleukin-1β,眼内压 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ abs0015title”>摘要草铵膦是一种常见的除草剂,具有神经毒性作用,可导致癫痫发作,抽搐和记忆力减退。草铵膦通过抑制星形胶质细胞中的谷氨酰胺合成而间接诱导谷氨酸毒性。在这里,我们研究了三种剂量(40、80或120μM,等于714或21μmg/ kg bw /天)的草铵膦基除草剂对大鼠视神经的急性毒性作用。在治疗24、48和72h后,分析了血清丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT),天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST),尿素,葡萄糖,钙和肌酐的浓度。用回弹眼压计测量眼内压(IOP)(表示为两只眼睛的平均值)。通过免疫组织化学测定白介素-1β(IL-1β)和c-Fos表达。结果表明,草铵膦基除草剂显着增加了视神经的IL-1β和c-Fos免疫阳性(p <0.05),并伴随着IOP的增加。这些结果表明,草铵膦的商业制剂会严重影响视神经。



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