class='kwd-title'>Abbreviations: AIN, American I'/> Model of vitamin and mineral deficiency for toxicological research: Apoptosis activity under conditions of CCL4 intoxication
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Model of vitamin and mineral deficiency for toxicological research: Apoptosis activity under conditions of CCL4 intoxication




class="kwd-title">Abbreviations: AIN, American Institute of Nutrition Rodent Diets; CCl4, carbon tetrachloride; LD50, median lethal dose class="kwd-title">Keywords: In vivo experiments, Biomarkers, Apoptosis, Wistar rats, CCl4, Vitamin deficiency, Mineral deficiency class="head no_bottom_margin" id="abs0015title">AbstractThe apoptosis activity and clinical state in vitamin and mineral supplemented male Wistar rats was evaluated after carbon tetrachloride exposure (CCL4). The animals were divided equally into 6 groups (3 control groups and 3 exposure groups) with the control groups (C-75, C-30, C-19) receiving AIN-93, a specific diet for rodents, consisting of a 75%, 30% and 19% ratio of vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6) and minerals (Fe3+ and Mg2+) and exposure groups (E-75, E-30, E-19) receiving the same diet paradigm as with the control groups but with the additional CCL4 administered once a week as an olive oil solution (control groups received the same ratio of olive oil without CCL4) for a duration of 64 days.The systemic condition of the male Wistar rats was evaluated based on morphological parameters and hematological and biochemical analysis, whereas the apoptosis activity in the liver was evaluated via comet assay techniques.The apoptosis activity in the liver of control and exposure groups increased compared to the decrease in the essential substance provisions with the E-75 group reaching 129% (p < 0.05) higher levels compared to the C-75 group, and 98% (p < 0.05) and 23% (p > 0.05) higher in the E-30 and E-19 groups compared to the C-30 and C-19 groups, respectively.From the apoptosis results and clinical state evaluation, it is clearly demonstrated that the effectiveness of using apoptosis activity as a biomarker after CCL4 exposure and the vitamin and mineral absorption capability in male Wistar rats can be applied as an evaluating method for toxicological research.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>缩写: AIN,美国啮齿动物营养研究所; CCl4,四氯化碳; LD50,中位致死剂量 class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:体内实验,生物标志物,细胞凋亡,Wistar大鼠,CCl4,维生素缺乏症,矿物质缺乏 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“摘要在四氯化碳暴露(CCL4)后评估了补充维生素和矿物质的雄性Wistar大鼠的凋亡活性和临床状态。将动物平均分为6组(3个对照组和3个暴露组),对照组(C-75,C-30,C-19)接受AIN-93(啮齿动物的特定饮食),占75% ,维生素(B1,B2,B3,B6)和矿物质(Fe3 +和Mg2 +)和暴露组(E-75,E-30,E-19)的饮食比例与对照组相同,分别为30%和19%各组,但以橄榄油溶液每周补充一次CCL4给药(对照组接受相同比例的不含CCL4的橄榄油),持续64天。根据形态学参数评估雄性Wistar大鼠的全身状况,血液学和生化分析,而通过彗星分析技术评估肝脏中的凋亡活性。对照组和暴露组肝脏中的凋亡活性与必需物质的减少相比有所增加,E-75组达到129%(与C-75组相比,p <0.05)的水平更高,并且E-30和E-19组分别比C-30和C-19组高98%(p <0.05)和23%(p> 0.05),从细胞凋亡结果和临床状态评估来看清楚地表明,在雄性Wistar大鼠中使用CCL4暴露后使用凋亡活性作为生物标志物的有效性以及雄性Wistar大鼠的维生素和矿物质吸收能力可以用作毒理学研究的评估方法。



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