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Chocolate smells pink and stripy: Exploring olfactory-visual synesthesia




Odors are often difficult to identify, and can be perceived either via the nose or mouth (“flavor”; not usually perceived as a “smell”). These features provide a unique opportunity to contrast conceptual and perceptual accounts of synesthesia. We presented six olfactory-visual synesthetes with a range of odorants. They tried to identify each smell, evaluate its attributes and illustrate their elicited visual experience. Judges rated the similarity of each synesthetes’ illustrations over time (test-retest reliability). Synesthetic images were most similar from the same odor named consistently, but even inconsistently named same odors generated more similar images than different odors. This was driven by hedonic similarity. Odors presented as flavors only resulted in similar images when consistently named. Thus, the primary factor in generating a reliable synesthetic image is the name, with some influence of odor hedonics. Hedonics are a basic form of semantic knowledge, making this consistent with a conceptual basis for synaesthetic links.
机译:气味通常很难识别,并且可以通过鼻子或嘴被感知到(“味道”;通常不被认为是“气味”)。这些功能提供了一个独特的机会来对比联觉的概念和感觉。我们介绍了六种带有多种气味的嗅觉视觉合成物。他们试图识别每种气味,评估其气味并说明他们所引起的视觉体验。评委们对每位同僚插图的相似性进行了评估(重测信度)。相同名称的气味相同,合成图像最相似,但即使名称不一致,相同的气味也比不同的气味产生更多相似的图像。这是由享乐相似性驱动的。以一致的方式呈现的气味只会产生相似的图像。因此,产生可靠的合成图像的主要因素是名称,并具有气味享乐主义的一些影响。 Hedonics是语义知识的基本形式,使其与通感链接的概念基础相一致。



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