首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Taylor Francis Open Select >Talking about a Christine Borland sculpture: effective empathy in contemporary anatomy art (and an emerging counterpart in medical training?)

Talking about a Christine Borland sculpture: effective empathy in contemporary anatomy art (and an emerging counterpart in medical training?)

机译:谈论克里斯汀·博兰(Christine Borland)的雕塑:当代解剖艺术中的有效移情作用(以及医学训练中正在兴起的对等物?)



This Introduction and interview discusses the poetical and empathic insights that are a key to the effectiveness of contemporary artist Christine Borland's practice and its relevance to the medical humanities, visual art research and medical students’ training. It takes place in a context of intensive interest in reciprocity and conversation as well as expert exchange between the fields of Medicine and Contemporary Arts. The interview develops an understanding of medical research and the application of its historical resources and contemporary practice-based research in contemporary art gallery exhibitions. Artists tend not to follow prescriptive programmes towards new historical knowledge, however, a desire to form productive relationships between history and contemporary art practice does reveal practical advantages. Borland's research also includes investigations in anatomy, medical practices and conservation.
机译:本导言和访谈讨论了诗意和共情的见解,这些见解是当代艺术家克里斯汀·波兰德(Christine Borland)的实践及其与医学人文学科,视觉艺术研究和医学生培训的相关性的关键。它是在人们对互惠和对话以及医学与当代艺术领域的专家交流产生浓厚兴趣的背景下进行的。采访使人们对医学研究及其历史资源和基于当代实践的研究在当代美术馆展览中的应用有了更深入的了解。艺术家倾向于不遵循规定的程序来获取新的历史知识,但是,在历史和当代艺术实践之间形成生产性关系的愿望确实显示出实用的优势。 Borland的研究还包括解剖,医学实践和保护方面的研究。



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