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Dikir Farmasi: folk songs for health education

机译:Think Pharmacy:用于健康教育的民歌



In an effort to enhance public awareness, we develop Dikir Farmasi as an innovative approach to deliver health information. Dikir Farmasi combines the elements of dikir barat (a type of traditional folk song rhythm) and traditional sketches which are popular in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. These sketches and dikir barat rhythmic songs, with lyrics touch on issues such as drug abuse and regulation are presented in an entertaining and humorous way. Health promotion messages are disseminated using Dikir Farmasi in the form of compact disks, video compact disks, stage performance, exhibition, social media, printed media (signboard, brochure and flyer).
机译:为了增强公众的意识,我们开发了Dikir Farmasi作为提供健康信息的创新方法。 Dikir Farmasi结合了dikir barat(一种传统的民谣节奏)和在马来西亚吉兰丹州流行的传统素描的元素。这些素描和迪克·巴拉(Dikir Barat)的节奏歌曲,以及关于吸毒和管制等问题的歌词都以有趣而幽默的方式呈现。使用Dikir Farmasi以光盘,视频光盘,舞台表演,展览,社交媒体,印刷媒体(招牌,小册子和传单)的形式传播健康促进信息。



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