
Time-Delay Interferometry




Equal-arm interferometric detectors of gravitational radiation allow phase measurements many orders of magnitude below the intrinsic phase stability of the laser injecting light into their arms. This is because the noise in the laser light is common to both arms, experiencing exactly the same delay, and thus cancels when it is differenced at the photo detector. In this situation, much lower level secondary noises then set the overall performance. If, however, the two arms have different lengths (as will necessarily be the case with space-borne interferometers), the laser noise experiences different delays in the two arms and will hence not directly cancel at the detector. In order to solve this problem, a technique involving heterodyne interferometry with unequal arm lengths and independent phase-difference readouts has been proposed. It relies on properly time-shifting and linearly combining independent Doppler measurements, and for this reason it has been called Time-Delay Interferometry (TDI). This article provides an overview of the theory and mathematical foundations of TDI as it will be implemented by the forthcoming space-based interferometers such as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission. We have purposely left out from this first version of our “Living Review” article on TDI all the results of more practical and experimental nature, as well as all the aspects of TDI that the data analysts will need to account for when analyzing the LISA TDI data combinations. Our forthcoming “second edition” of this review paper will include these topics.
机译:重力辐射的等臂干涉式探测器可以进行相位测量,其相位测量要比将光注入其臂中的激光的固有相位稳定性低很多数量级。这是因为激光中的噪声对于两个手臂来说都是共同的,经历了完全相同的延迟,因此当在光电检测器处发生差异时可以消除。在这种情况下,低得多的次级噪声将决定整体性能。但是,如果两个臂的长度不同(星载干涉仪必定如此),则激光噪声在两个臂中会经历不同的延迟,因此不会在检测器上直接抵消。为了解决这个问题,已经提出了一种包括具有不相等的臂长和独立的相差读数的外差干涉测量法的技术。它依赖于适当的时移并线性组合独立的多普勒测量,因此,它被称为时延干涉测量法(TDI)。本文概述了TDI的理论和数学基础,该技术将由即将出现的基于空间的干涉仪(如激光干涉仪空间天线(LISA)任务)实现。我们特意从关于TDI的“生存评论”文章的第一版中删除了所有更实际和实验性的结果,以及数据分析人员在分析LISA TDI时需要考虑的TDI的所有方面数据组合。我们即将发布的本评论文章的“第二版”将包括这些主题。



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