首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Springer Open Choice >Physiological tolerances across latitudes: thermal sensitivity of larval marine snails (Nucella spp.)

Physiological tolerances across latitudes: thermal sensitivity of larval marine snails (Nucella spp.)

机译:跨纬度的生理耐受性:幼体海洋蜗牛的热敏感性(Nucella spp。)



A critical step in understanding how temperature will affect biodiversity in coastal ecosystems is to gain insight into how the tolerances, and ultimately survival, of early life history stages will influence the distribution and abundance of adults. We assessed the thermal tolerance of encapsulated veliger-stage larvae of a common dogwhelk, Nucella ostrina, that occur in the rocky intertidal zone on the west coast of North America. Results showed that veligers collected from northern latitudes in Washington State were less tolerant of heat stress than those from central sites in California. For all sites, we found there to be a subtle difference between the temperatures at which veligers first began to die compared to when veligers reached 100% mortality. On a biogeographic scale, the LT50 temperatures, a measure of larval sensitivity, for N. ostrina veligers displayed a strong latitudinal trend. These findings provide a conservative measurement of the upper thermal limits of encapsulated veligers while illustrating how these early life history stages could be physiologically compromised under future climate warming scenarios.
机译:了解温度将如何影响沿海生态系统中的生物多样性的关键步骤是深入了解生命早期阶段的耐受性以及最终生存将如何影响成年人的分布和数量。我们评估了在北美西海岸的岩石潮间带中常见的dogNucella ostrina的包囊的初生幼虫的耐热性。结果表明,从华盛顿州北部纬度采集的植物比加利福尼亚州中部的植物对热胁迫的耐受性差。对于所有地点,我们发现,与食客达到100%的死亡率相比,食客首次开始死亡的温度之间存在细微的差异。在生物地理规模上,对猪整脊猪笼草的LT50温度(一种幼虫敏感性的量度)表现出很强的纬度趋势。这些发现提供了对封装的蔬菜的热上限的保守测量,同时说明了在未来的气候变暖情况下这些早期生命史阶段可能在生理上受到损害。



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