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Group Composition of Guinea Baboons (Papio papio) at a Water Place Suggests a Fluid Social Organization

机译:在水上场所的几内亚狒狒(Papio papio)的群体组成表明社会组织活动流畅



Baboon social systems are among the most studied in primates. Solid knowledge of the hamadryas and savannah baboon systems has accumulated, leading to a dichotomic view of baboon social systems. Hamadryas baboons live in multilayered troops based on 1-male units whereas savannah baboons live in multimale multifemale groups based on a network of related females. Less attention has been paid to their West African congenerics, the Guinea baboons, Papio papio. To fill this gap, in 2007 we initiated a long-term study of a baboon troop ranging in the Niokolo Koba National Park in southeastern Senegal. Earlier studies suggested a tendency for a multilayered social system in Guinea baboons, similar to the hamadryas baboon organization. Therefore, as a first approach to analyzing variability in party size and composition, we observed members of the troop crossing an open area from a fixed point for 3 mo during the dry and wet seasons. We counted individuals and recorded changes in composition of both arriving and departing parties. Party size and composition were highly variable on both a daily and a seasonal basis; 45.9% of the arriving parties changed in composition while crossing the open area, either splitting into smaller parties or fusing into larger ones, suggesting a fluid organization. Our data support the existence of neither a hamadryas baboon-like multilayered social organization nor a stable medium-sized multimale multifemale group as in savannah baboons. In light of our data we may need to revise the dichotomic view of baboon social systems and include space for greater variability of their social systems.
机译:狒狒社会系统是在灵长类动物中研究最多的系统。对hamadryas和savannah狒狒系统的扎实知识积累了下来,从而形成了对狒狒社会系统的二分法观点。 Hamadryas狒狒生活在以1雄为单位的多层部队中,而savannah狒狒生活在以相关雌性网络为基础的多雌多雌群体中。对它们的西非同种动物几内亚狒狒Papio papio的关注较少。为了填补这一空白,我们在2007年对塞内加尔东南部的尼古洛·科巴国家公园内的狒狒部队进行了长期研究。较早的研究表明,几内亚狒狒的社会系统趋于多​​层化,类似于hamadryas狒狒组织。因此,作为分析聚会规模和组成变异性的第一种方法,我们在干旱和潮湿季节观察到部队成员从固定点穿过开放区域持续3个月。我们对个人进行了计数,并记录了到达和离开方的组成变化。政党的规模和组成在每天和每个季节都有很大的差异。 45.9%的到达政党在穿越开放区域时组成发生了变化,分为较小的政党或融合为较大的政党,这表明组织结构不稳定。我们的数据支持既不存在象哈马德里亚斯狒狒这样的多层社会组织,也不支持像萨凡纳狒狒那样稳定的中等规模的多男性多女性群体。根据我们的数据,我们可能需要修改狒狒社会系统的二分法观点,并包括为其社会系统的更大可变性提供空间。



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