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Sustainable conversion of coffee and other crop wastes to biofuels and bioproducts using coupled biochemical and thermochemical processes in a multi-stage biorefinery concept




The environmental impact of agricultural waste from the processing of food and feed crops is an increasing concern worldwide. Concerted efforts are underway to develop sustainable practices for the disposal of residues from the processing of such crops as coffee, sugarcane, or corn. Coffee is crucial to the economies of many countries because its cultivation, processing, trading, and marketing provide employment for millions of people. In coffee-producing countries, improved technology for treatment of the significant amounts of coffee waste is critical to prevent ecological damage. This mini-review discusses a multi-stage biorefinery concept with the potential to convert waste produced at crop processing operations, such as coffee pulping stations, to valuable biofuels and bioproducts using biochemical and thermochemical conversion technologies. The initial bioconversion stage uses a mutant Kluyveromyces marxianus yeast strain to produce bioethanol from sugars. The resulting sugar-depleted solids (mostly protein) can be used in a second stage by the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica to produce bio-based ammonia for fertilizer and are further degraded by Y. lipolytica proteases to peptides and free amino acids for animal feed. The lignocellulosic fraction can be ground and treated to release sugars for fermentation in a third stage by a recombinant cellulosic Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which can also be engineered to express valuable peptide products. The residual protein and lignin solids can be jet cooked and passed to a fourth-stage fermenter where Rhodotorula glutinis converts methane into isoprenoid intermediates. The residues can be combined and transferred into pyrocracking and hydroformylation reactions to convert ammonia, protein, isoprenes, lignins, and oils into renewable gas. Any remaining waste can be thermoconverted to biochar as a humus soil enhancer. The integration of multiple technologies for treatment of coffee waste has the potential to contribute to economic and environmental sustainability.
机译:来自粮食和饲料作物加工的农业废物对环境的影响已成为世界范围内日益关注的问题。正在采取协调一致的努力,以开发可持续的方法来处理咖啡,甘蔗或玉米等农作物的加工残留物。咖啡对许多国家的经济至关重要,因为咖啡的种植,加工,贸易和销售为数以百万计的人提供了就业机会。在咖啡生产国,改进的处理大量咖啡废物的技术对于防止生态破坏至关重要。这份小型审查讨论了一个多阶段生物精炼厂的概念,该构想具有利用生化和热化学转化技术将作物制浆作业(例如咖啡制浆站)产生的废物转化为有价值的生物燃料和生物产品的潜力。最初的生物转化阶段使用突变的马克斯克鲁维酵母菌菌株从糖中生产生物乙醇。所得的贫糖固体(主要是蛋白质)可在第二阶段被油质酵母解脂耶氏酵母(Yarrowia lipolytica)用于生产生物基氨水作为肥料,并被解脂耶氏酵母(Y. lipolytica)蛋白酶进一步降解为肽和游离氨基酸,用于动物饲料。木质纤维素级分可以被研磨并处理以释放糖,以通过重组纤维素酿酒酵母在第三阶段进行发酵,该酿酒酵母也可以被工程化以表达有价值的肽产物。残留的蛋白质和木质素固体可以进行喷射蒸煮,然后送至第四阶段发酵罐,在这里,Rhodotorula glutinis将甲烷转化为类异戊二烯中间体。残留物可以合并并转移到焦裂和加氢甲酰化反应中,以将氨,蛋白质,异戊二烯,木质素和油转化为可再生气体。任何剩余的废物都可以作为腐殖质土壤增强剂热转化为生物炭。多种用于咖啡废料处理的技术的集成具有促进经济和环境可持续性的潜力。



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