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Battle for Climate and Scarcity Rents: Beyond the Linear-Quadratic Case




Industria imports oil, produces final goods and wishes to mitigate global warming. Oilrabia exports oil and buys final goods from the other country. Industria uses the carbon tax to impose an import tariff on oil and steal some of Oilrabia’s scarcity rent. Conversely, Oilrabia has monopoly power and sets the oil price to steal some of Industria’s climate rent. We analyze the relative speeds of oil extraction and carbon accumulation under these strategic interactions for various production function specifications and compare these with the efficient and competitive outcomes. We prove that for the class of HARA production functions, the oil price is initially higher and subsequently lower in the open-loop Nash equilibrium than in the efficient outcome. The oil extraction rate is thus initially too low and in later stages too high. The HARA class includes linear, loglinear and semi-loglinear demand functions as special cases. For non-HARA production functions, Oilrabia may in the open-loop Nash equilibrium initially price oil lower than the efficient level, thus resulting in more oil extraction and climate damages. We also contrast the open-loop Nash and efficient outcomes numerically with the feedback Nash outcomes. We find that the optimal carbon tax path in the feedback Nash equilibrium is flatter than in the open-loop Nash equilibrium. It turns out that for certain demand functions using the carbon tax as an import tariff may hurt consumers’ welfare as the resulting user cost of oil is so high that the fall in welfare wipes out the gain from higher tariff revenues.
机译:工业进口石油,生产最终产品,并希望减轻全球变暖。 Oilrabia出口石油并从另一个国家购买最终产品。工业使用碳税对石油征收进口关税,并窃取了石油比亚的一些稀缺租金。相反,Oilrabia拥有垄断权,并设定石油价格以窃取某些工业的气候租金。在各种生产功能规格的这些战略相互作用下,我们分析了采油和积碳的相对速度,并将其与有效和竞争性结果进行了比较。我们证明,对于一类HARA生产函数,与有效结果相比,开环Nash均衡中的油价最初更高,然后更低。因此,油的提取率最初太低,而在以后的阶段中太高。作为特殊情况,HARA类包括线性,对数线性和半对数线性需求函数。对于非HARA生产功能,Oilrabia可能在开环Nash均衡中最初将油的价格低于有效水平,从而导致更多的石油开采和气候破坏。我们还将数字化开环Nash和有效结果与反馈Nash结果进行对比。我们发现,反馈纳什均衡中的最优碳税路径比开环纳什均衡中的最优。事实证明,对于某些需求功能,使用碳税作为进口关税可能会损害消费者的福利,因为由此产生的石油用户成本非常高,以致福利的下降抵消了关税收入增加带来的收益。



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