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Fitness benefits of the fruit fly Rhagoletis alternata on a non-native rose host

机译:果蝇Rhagoletis alternata在非本地玫瑰寄主上的健身益处



Many species have been introduced worldwide into areas outside their natural range. Often these non-native species are introduced without their natural enemies, which sometimes leads to uncontrolled population growth. It is rarely reported that an introduced species provides a new resource for a native species. The rose hips of the Japanese rose, Rosarugosa, which has been introduced in large parts of Europe, are infested by the native monophagous tephritid fruit fly Rhagoletis alternata. We studied differences in fitness benefits between R. alternata larvae using R. rugosa as well as native Rosa species in the Netherlands. R. alternata pupae were larger and heavier when the larvae fed on rose hips of R. rugosa. Larvae feeding on R. rugosa were parasitized less frequently by parasitic wasps than were larvae feeding on native roses. The differences in parasitization are probably due to morphological differences between the native and non-native rose hips: the hypanthium of a R. rugosa hip is thicker and provides the larvae with the possibility to feed deeper into the hip, meaning that the parasitoids cannot reach them with their ovipositor and the larvae escape parasitization. Our study shows that native species switching to a novel non-native host can experience fitness benefits compared to the original native host.
机译:世界各地已将许多物种引入其自然范围以外的地区。这些非本地物种通常是在没有天敌的情况下被引入的,这有时会导致种群数量不受控制。鲜有报道说引进物种为本土物种提供了新资源。在欧洲大部分地区已引入的日本玫瑰蔷薇蔷薇的蔷薇果被当地的单相食蚜虫类实蝇果蝇Rhagoletis alternata感染。我们研究了使用皱褶皱纹菌以及荷兰的原生罗莎物种在松花褐斑病幼虫之间的健身益处上的差异。当幼虫以皱纹红景天的玫瑰果为食时,灰松alter更大,更重。与以天然玫瑰为食的幼虫相比,以寄生黄蜂为食的R. rugosa幼虫被寄生的频率更低。寄生虫的差异可能是由于本地和非本地玫瑰果的形态差异造成的:皱叶蔷薇臀部的玻璃托层较厚,为幼虫提供了更深层地进入臀部的可能性,这意味着寄生虫无法达到他们带着产卵器和幼虫逃脱了寄生虫。我们的研究表明,与原始本地宿主相比,切换到新型非本地宿主的本地物种可以体验健身的好处。



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