首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Springer Open Choice >Floral Sonication is an Innate Behaviour in Bumblebees that can be Fine-Tuned with Experience in Manipulating Flowers

Floral Sonication is an Innate Behaviour in Bumblebees that can be Fine-Tuned with Experience in Manipulating Flowers




Bumblebees demonstrate an extensive capacity for learning complex motor skills to maximise exploitation of floral rewards. This ability is well studied in nectar collection but its role in pollen foraging is less well understood. Floral sonication is used by bees to extract pollen from some plant species with anthers which must be vibrated (buzzed) to release pollen. Pollen removal is determined by sonication characteristics including frequency and amplitude, and thus the ability to optimise sonication should allow bees to maximise the pollen collection. We investigated the ability of the buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) to modify the frequency and amplitude of their buzzes with increasing experience manipulating flowers of the buzz-pollinated plant Solanum rostratum. We analysed flight and feeding vibrations generated by naïve workers across feeding bouts. Feeding buzzes were of a higher frequency and a lower amplitude than flight buzzes. Both flight and feeding buzzes had reduced amplitudes with increasing number of foraging trips. However, the frequency of their feeding buzzes was reduced significantly more than their flight buzzes as bumblebee workers gained experience manipulating flowers. These results suggest that bumblebees are able to modify the characteristics of their buzzes with experience manipulating buzz-pollinated flowers. We discuss our findings in the context of bumblebee learning, and the current understanding of the optimal sonication characteristics for releasing pollen in buzz-pollinated species. Our results present a tantalising insight into the potential role of learning in floral sonication, paving the way for future research in this area.
机译:大黄蜂展示出广泛的能力,可以学习复杂的运动技能,从而最大限度地利用花卉奖励。在花蜜收集中已经对该能力进行了充分的研究,但其在花粉觅食中的作用尚不为人所知。蜜蜂使用花卉超声处理从一些植物中提取带有花药的花粉,这些花药必须振动(嗡嗡作响)才能释放花粉。花粉的去除取决于包括频率和幅度在内的超声波处理特性,因此优化超声波处理的能力应使蜜蜂最大化花粉的收集量。我们研究了带有尾巴的大黄蜂(Bombus terrestris)改变蜂鸣声频率和振幅的能力,并增加了操纵蜂鸣花授粉植物茄茄的花朵的经验。我们分析了天真工人在喂食回合中产生的飞行和喂食振动。与飞行蜂鸣相比,进食蜂鸣的频率更高且振幅更低。随着觅食次数的增加,飞行嗡嗡声和进食嗡嗡声均降低了幅度。但是,随着大黄蜂工人获得了操纵花的经验,他们的喂食嗡嗡声的频率比飞行嗡嗡声大大降低。这些结果表明,大黄蜂能够通过操纵嗡嗡声授粉的花朵来改变其嗡嗡声的特性。我们在大黄蜂学习的背景下讨论了我们的发现,以及在嗡嗡声授粉物种中释放花粉的最佳超声处理特征的当前理解。我们的研究结果提供了对花在声波处理中潜在学习作用的诱人见解,为该领域的未来研究铺平了道路。



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