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Re A (A Child) and the United Kingdom Code of Practice for the Diagnosis and Confirmation of Death: Should a Secular Construct of Death Override Religious Values in a Pluralistic Society?

机译:Re A(儿童)和英国的诊断和确诊死亡实践守则:世俗的死亡构想在多元社会中凌驾于宗教价值观之上吗?



The determination of death by neurological criteria remains controversial scientifically, culturally, and legally, worldwide. In the United Kingdom, although the determination of death by neurological criteria is not legally codified, the Code of Practice of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges is customarily used for neurological (brainstem) death determination and treatment withdrawal. Unlike some states in the US, however, there are no provisions under the law requiring accommodation of and respect for residents' religious rights and commitments when secular conceptions of death based on medical codes and practices conflict with a traditional concept well-grounded in religious and cultural values and practices. In this article, we analyse the medical, ethical, and legal issues that were generated by the recent judgement of the High Court of England and Wales in Re: A (A Child) [] EWHC 443 (Fam). Mechanical ventilation was withdrawn in this case despite parental religious objection to a determination of death based on the code of practice. We outline contemporary evidence that has refuted the reliability of tests of brainstem function to ascertain the two conjunctive clinical criteria for the determination of death that are stipulated in the code of practice: irreversible loss of capacity for consciousness and somatic integration of bodily biological functions. We argue that: (1) the tests of brainstem function were not properly undertaken in this case; (2) the two conjunctive clinical criteria set forth in the code of practice cannot be reliably confirmed by these tests in any event; and (3) absent authentication of the clinical criteria of death, the code of practice (in fact, although implicitly rather than explicitly) wrongly invokes a secular definition of death based on the loss of personhood. Consequently, the moral obligation of a pluralistic society to honor and respect diverse religious convictions to the greatest extent possible is being violated. Re A (A Child) is contrasted with the US case of Jahi McMath in which the court accommodated parental religious objection to the determination of neurological death codified in the Uniform Determination of Death Act. We conclude that the legal system in the United Kingdom should not favour a secular definition of death over a definition of death that is respectful of religious values about the inviolability and sanctity of life. We recommend the legal recognition of religious accommodation in death determination to facilitate cultural sensitivity and compassionate care to patients and families in a pluralistic society.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10730-016-9307-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
机译:在世界范围内,通过神经学标准确定死亡仍然在科学,文化和法律上引起争议。在英国,尽管通过神经系统标准确定死亡的法律没有经过法律规定,但皇家医学学院医学院的《工作守则》通常用于神经系统(脑干)死亡的确定和治疗的退出。但是,与美国的某些州不同,该法律没有任何规定,当基于医学法规和习俗的世俗死亡观念与扎根于宗教和宗教的传统观念相抵触时,该规定没有规定并尊重居民的宗教权利和承诺。文化价值观和实践。在本文中,我们分析了英格兰和威尔士高等法院最近在Re:A(A Child)[] EWHC 443(Fam)中的判决所引起的医疗,道德和法律问题。尽管父母的宗教信仰反对根据工作守则确定死亡,但在这种情况下仍取消了机械通气。我们概述了当代证据,这些证据驳斥了脑干功能测试的可靠性,以确定操作规范中规定的两种确定死亡的综合临床标准:不可逆转的意识丧失能力和身体生物学功能的身体整合。我们认为:(1)在这种情况下,脑干功能测试不正确; (2)在任何情况下,这些测试均不能可靠地确认实践准则中规定的两项综合临床标准; (3)由于没有对死亡的临床标准进行验证,因此,工作守则(实际上,虽然是隐式而非明示的)错误地基于人格丧失而援引死亡的世俗定义。因此,侵犯了多元化社会在最大程度上尊重和尊重各种宗教信仰的道德义务。 Re A(一个孩子)与美国的Jahi McMath案形成对比,在该案中,法院对父母的宗教反对意见裁定为《统一死亡确定法》中所规定的神经系统死亡。我们得出的结论是,英国的法律制度不应赞成对死亡的世俗定义,而不是尊重关于生命不可侵犯和神圣不可侵犯的宗教价值观的死亡定义。我们建议对死亡确定中的宗教适应进行法律承认,以促进多元社会中患者和家庭的文化敏感性和同情关怀。电子补充材料本文的在线版本(doi:10.1007 / s10730-016-9307-y)包含补充内容资料,可供授权用户使用。



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