首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Springer Open Choice >Position paper on screening for breast cancer by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and 30 national breast radiology bodies from Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Israel Lithuania Moldova The Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland and Turkey

Position paper on screening for breast cancer by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and 30 national breast radiology bodies from Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Israel Lithuania Moldova The Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland and Turkey




AbstractEUSOBI and 30 national breast radiology bodies support mammography for population-based screening, demonstrated to reduce breast cancer (BC) mortality and treatment impact. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the reduction in mortality is 40 % for women aged 50–69 years taking up the invitation while the probability of false-positive needle biopsy is <1 % per round and overdiagnosis is only 1–10 % for a 20-year screening. Mortality reduction was also observed for the age groups 40–49 years and 70–74 years, although with “limited evidence”. Thus, we firstly recommend biennial screening mammography for average-risk women aged 50–69 years; extension up to 73 or 75 years, biennially, is a second priority, from 40–45 to 49 years, annually, a third priority. Screening with thermography or other optical tools as alternatives to mammography is discouraged. Preference should be given to population screening programmes on a territorial basis, with double reading. Adoption of digital mammography (not film-screen or phosphor-plate computer radiography) is a priority, which also improves sensitivity in dense breasts. Radiologists qualified as screening readers should be involved in programmes. Digital breast tomosynthesis is also set to become “routine mammography” in the screening setting in the next future. Dedicated pathways for high-risk women offering breast MRI according to national or international guidelines and recommendations are encouraged.
机译:摘要EUSOBI和30个国家乳腺放射学机构支持乳房X线照相术进行基于人群的筛查,证明可以降低乳腺癌(BC)的死亡率和治疗影响。根据国际癌症研究机构的数据,接受邀请的50-69岁女性的死亡率降低40%,而假阳性针穿刺活检的概率每回合<1%,并且过度诊断率仅为1-10 %进行20年筛选。尽管“证据有限”,但在40-49岁和70-74岁年龄组也观察到死亡率降低。因此,我们首先建议对年龄在50-69岁之间的中等风险女性进行两年一次的乳房X线检查;第二优先级是每年延长73或75年,第二优先级是从40-45年延长到49年,第三优先级。不推荐使用热成像或其他光学工具进行乳房X射线照相术的替代检查。应优先考虑在人口基础上进行双重审查的人口普查方案。优先采用数字化乳房X线照相术(而不是胶卷或X光片计算机X线照相术),这也可以提高密集乳房的敏感性。有资格作为筛查读者的放射科医生应参与计划。在未来的筛查中,数字化乳房断层合成术也将成为“常规乳房X线照相术”。鼓励根据国家或国际准则和建议为高危女性提供乳房MRI的专门途径。


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