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Evaluating the applicability of MESS (matrix exponential spatial specification) model to assess water quality using GIS technique in agricultural mountain catchment (Western Carpathian)




The formation of many sources of pollution in a short period of time is due to mountain soil erosion by water. One of the major mechanisms decisive in the intensification of such erosion is the loosening of soil material on the slope. Water quality studies show the impact of diversified spatial management and allow making the right decisions in environmental management in mountain areas with high variability of use and land cover. The research undertaken as part of the paper was carried out in order to determine the dependency between total suspended solids (TSS) and the physicochemical parameters of surface waters and the amount of soil losses in the use structure within the mountain catchment. The paper focused on the frequency of phenomena in time and the possibility of stopping the surface runoff on the slope and on the soil’s susceptibility to water erosion. The dependencies between multipoint sampling and the concentration of material washed off the slope due to precipitation were verified with a multivariate analysis. Sampling took place in hydrometric sections, and during small floods, in the waterbed cross section. Research shows that such sampling is the basis for the calculation of the transported load, reflecting the average variation in concentration. The variation in the volume of the load from the individual parts of the catchment was assessed by the spatial autoregressive model. It was found that the use of river basin areas affects water chemistry. Water reservoirs are an important ecological barrier for the migration of nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3) and phosphate phosphorus (P-PO4), which is marked by changes in the growing season. Water along the sections of the river near the quarry with a high degree of sodding showed good quality condition. Despite significant differences between measurement sampling sites, high total dissolved solid (TDS) values were found in communities adjacent to forests and meadows. However, the highest electrical conductivity (EC) and TSS concentrations were found in the interface with cultivated areas. Biogenic indices showed variation depending on the way the adjacent areas were used. GIS linked spatial variables with the formation of water pollution. The analysis of spatial autoregression pointed to the impact of arable land. Moreover, the analysis of spatial autoregression with the MESS function designated a connection between agricultural land use and nitrite nitrogen (N-NO2), EC, TSS, and dissolved oxygen (DO). >Graphical abstract
机译:在短时间内形成许多污染源是由于山区水土流失。决定这种侵蚀加剧的主要机制之一是斜坡上土壤物质的松动。水质研究显示了多样化空间管理的影响,并允许在用途和土地覆被变化很大的山区做出正确的环境管理决策。为了确定总悬浮固体(TSS)与地表水的理化参数以及山区流域使用结构中的土壤流失量之间的相关性,进行了本文研究。该论文关注的是及时出现现象的频率,以及阻止斜坡上的地表径流和土壤对水蚀的敏感性的可能性。通过多变量分析验证了多点采样与由于降水冲刷出斜坡的物质浓度之间的相关性。在水文剖面和小洪水期间,在水床剖面进行采样。研究表明,这种采样是计算运输负荷的基础,反映了浓度的平均变化。通过空间自回归模型评估了流域各个部分的负荷量变化。人们发现,流域地区的使用会影响水化学。储水层是硝酸盐氮(N-NO3)和磷酸盐磷(P-PO4)迁移的重要生态屏障,其特征是生长季节的变化。采石场附近河段的水质高,结垢状况良好。尽管测量采样点之间存在显着差异,但在邻近森林和草地的社区中发现了较高的总溶解固体(TDS)值。但是,在与耕种区域的界面中发现了最高的电导率(EC)和TSS浓度。生物指数显示出变化,取决于相邻区域的使用方式。 GIS将空间变量与水污染的形成联系在一起。对空间自回归的分析指出了耕地的影响。此外,利用MESS功能进行的空间自回归分析指定了农业土地利用与亚硝酸盐氮(N-NO2),EC,TSS和溶解氧(DO)之间的联系。 <!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> >图形摘要<!- fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> <!-标题a7->ᅟ



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