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A New Phenomenological Survey of Auditory Hallucinations: Evidence for Subtypes and Implications for Theory and Practice




A comprehensive understanding of the phenomenology of auditory hallucinations (AHs) is essential for developing accurate models of their causes. Yet, only 1 detailed study of the phenomenology of AHs with a sample size of N ≥ 100 has been published. The potential for overreliance on these findings, coupled with a lack of phenomenological research into many aspects of AHs relevant to contemporary neurocognitive models and the proposed (but largely untested) existence of AH subtypes, necessitates further research in this area. We undertook the most comprehensive phenomenological study of AHs to date in a psychiatric population (N = 199; 81% people diagnosed with schizophrenia), using a structured interview schedule. Previous phenomenological findings were only partially replicated. New findings included that 39% of participants reported that their voices seemed in some way to be replays of memories of previous conversations they had experienced; 45% reported that the general theme or content of what the voices said was always the same; and 55% said new voices had the same content/theme as previous voices. Cluster analysis, by variable, suggested the existence of 4 AH subtypes. We propose that there are likely to be different neurocognitive processes underpinning these experiences, necessitating revised AH models.
机译:对听觉幻觉(AHs)现象学的全面理解对于开发其原因的精确模型至关重要。然而,只有1篇样本大小为N≥100的AHs现象学的详细研究已经发表。过度依赖这些发现的可能性,加上缺乏对与现代神经认知模型有关的AH的许多方面的现象学研究,以及拟议的(但未经测试的)AH亚型的存在,都需要在这一领域进行进一步的研究。我们采用结构化的访谈时间表,对精神病患者(N = 199; 81%的精神分裂症患者)进行了迄今为止最全面的AHs现象学研究。以前的现象学发现仅被部分复制。新发现包括:39%的参与者报告说,他们的声音在某种程度上似乎是对他们以前经历的回忆的回忆。 45%的人报告说,声音的总体主题或内容始终相同; 55%的人表示新声音与以前的声音具有相同的内容/主题。通过变量进行的聚类分析表明存在4种AH亚型。我们建议可能有不同的神经认知过程来支持这些经验,需要修订的AH模型。



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