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Genomic Runs of Homozygosity Record Population History and Consanguinity




The human genome is characterised by many runs of homozygous genotypes, where identical haplotypes were inherited from each parent. The length of each run is determined partly by the number of generations since the common ancestor: offspring of cousin marriages have long runs of homozygosity (ROH), while the numerous shorter tracts relate to shared ancestry tens and hundreds of generations ago. Human populations have experienced a wide range of demographic histories and hold diverse cultural attitudes to consanguinity. In a global population dataset, genome-wide analysis of long and shorter ROH allows categorisation of the mainly indigenous populations sampled here into four major groups in which the majority of the population are inferred to have: (a) recent parental relatedness (south and west Asians); (b) shared parental ancestry arising hundreds to thousands of years ago through long term isolation and restricted effective population size (Ne), but little recent inbreeding (Oceanians); (c) both ancient and recent parental relatedness (Native Americans); and (d) only the background level of shared ancestry relating to continental Ne (predominantly urban Europeans and East Asians; lowest of all in sub-Saharan African agriculturalists), and the occasional cryptically inbred individual. Moreover, individuals can be positioned along axes representing this demographic historic space. Long runs of homozygosity are therefore a globally widespread and under-appreciated characteristic of our genomes, which record past consanguinity and population isolation and provide a distinctive record of the demographic history of an individual's ancestors. Individual ROH measures will also allow quantification of the disease risk arising from polygenic recessive effects.
机译:人类基因组的特征在于许多纯合基因型的运行,其中相同的单倍型从每个亲本遗传。自从共同祖先以来,每次奔跑的长度部分地取决于世代数:表亲婚姻的后代具有长期的纯合性(ROH),而许多较短的道与数十和几百年前的共同祖先有关。人口经历了广泛的人口历史,对血亲持有不同的文化态度。在全球人口数据集中,通过对全基因组长短ROH进行的全基因组分析,可以将此处抽样的主要土著人群分为四个主要群体,据推测,这些群体中的大多数人口具有:(a)最近的父母亲相关性(南方和西方)亚洲人); (b)几百到几千年前通过长期孤立和有限的有效人口规模(Ne)出现了共同的父母血统,但近亲繁殖很少(海洋的); (c)既有近代又有近代的父母亲(美国原住民); (d)仅与Ne大陆(主要是城市欧洲人和东亚人;在撒哈拉以南非洲农业者中最低)有关的共同血统的背景水平,以及偶发的秘密近交个体。此外,可以沿代表此人口历史空间的轴定位个人。因此,长期的纯合性是我们基因组的一个全球范围内普遍的,未被充分认识的特征,它记录了过去的血缘关系和种群隔离情况,并提供了有关个人祖先人口历史的独特记录。单独的ROH措施还可以量化由多基因隐性效应引起的疾病风险。



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