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Living on the edge: Assessing the diversity of South African Pocillopora on the margins of the Southwestern Indian Ocean




Scleractinia of the Maputaland reef complex (MRC) in South Africa exist at the margins of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) coral distribution and are the only substantial hermatypic coral communities in South Africa. Pocillopora species occupy a conspicuous component of the MRC, and previous investigations identified three species of Pocillopora utilizing conventional taxonomy. Thus, our aims were four-fold: to elucidate Pocillopora species diversity using genetic techniques, primarily using species delimitation methods based on the ORF gene; to test for the presence of hybridisation within the Pocillopora community on the South-West margin of distribution in the Indian Ocean using two nuclear and two mitochondrial markers; to test the presence of cryptic species, using 13 microsatellite markers, finally, to elucidate the degree of genetic diversity within each Pocillopora species found and compare this to communities in lower latitudes. We illustrate taxonomic inconsistencies between these inventories and our phylogenetic data. The MRC harbours unique populations of Pocillopora, consisting of three species hypothetically co-occurring throughout the south WIO, namely: P. meandrina/P. eydouxi, commonly misidentified as P. verrucosa, P. verrucosa, sometimes correctly identified, but also commonly misidentified as P. damicornis sensu lato, and P. villosa, almost always misidentified as P. eydouxi. The hypothesis that hybrid swarms of Pocillopora occur in marginal environments such as the MRC was not supported, with low levels of introgressive hybridization reported instead. Analyses illustrate low genetic diversity at the species and population resolutions, suggesting a small founder population for each species. Nevertheless, these populations are demographically unique, exhibiting high levels of ITS2 haplotype endemism compared to higher latitude populations and the rest of the WIO. Pocillopora diversity on the MRC represents a unique assemblage and warrants further protection.
机译:南非的马普塔兰礁复合体(MRC)的菌核菌存在于西印度洋(WIO)珊瑚分布的边缘,并且是南非唯一的主要造血珊瑚群落。 Pocillopora物种占据了MRC的显着组成部分,以前的研究利用常规分类法确定了Pocillopora的三种物种。因此,我们的目标有四个方面:利用遗传技术,主要使用基于ORF基因的物种定界方法,阐明Pocillopora物种的多样性;使用两个核标记和两个线粒体标记测试在印度洋西南分布边缘的Pocillopora群落内是否存在杂交;最后,使用13个微卫星标记来测试隐性物种的存在,以阐明发现的每个Pocillopora物种内的遗传多样性程度,并将其与低纬度地区的群落进行比较。我们举例说明了这些清单与我们的系统发育数据之间的分类不一致。 MRC拥有Pocillopora独特的种群,假设由三个物种共同存在于整个WIO南部,即:P. meandrina / P。 eydouxi,通常被误认为是疣状假单胞菌,有时被正确地识别为疣状假单胞菌,但也通常被误认为是假单胞菌和 P villosa ,几乎总是被误认为是 P eydouxi 。不支持假单胞菌(Pocillopora)杂交群在边缘环境(例如MRC)中发生的假设,相反报道了低水平的渐渗杂交。分析表明,在物种和种群分辨率方面,遗传多样性较低,这表明每种物种的始祖种群很少。但是,这些人群在人口统计学上是独特的,与高纬度人群和WIO其余地区相比,ITS2单倍型特有度较高。 MRC上的 Pocillopora 多样性代表了一种独特的组合,需要进一步的保护。



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