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A comparison of drone imagery and ground-based methods for estimating the extent of habitat destruction by lesser snow geese (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) in La Pérouse Bay

机译:无人机图像和地面方法的比较,以估计拉佩鲁斯湾小雪雁(Anser caerulescens caerulescens)对栖息地的破坏程度



Lesser snow goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) populations have dramatically altered vegetation communities through increased foraging pressure. In remote regions, regular habitat assessments are logistically challenging and time consuming. Drones are increasingly being used by ecologists to conduct habitat assessments, but reliance on georeferenced data as ground truth may not always be feasible. We estimated goose habitat degradation using photointerpretation of drone imagery and compared estimates to those made with ground-based linear transects. In July 2016, we surveyed five study plots in La Pérouse Bay, Manitoba, to evaluate the effectiveness of a fixed-wing drone with simple Red Green Blue (RGB) imagery for evaluating habitat degradation by snow geese. Ground-based land cover data was collected and grouped into barren, shrub, or non-shrub categories. We compared estimates between ground-based transects and those made from unsupervised classification of drone imagery collected at altitudes of 75, 100, and 120 m above ground level (ground sampling distances of 2.4, 3.2, and 3.8 cm respectively). We found large time savings during the data collection step of drone surveys, but these savings were ultimately lost during imagery processing. Based on photointerpretation, overall accuracy of drone imagery was generally high (88.8% to 92.0%) and Kappa coefficients were similar to previously published habitat assessments from drone imagery. Mixed model estimates indicated 75m drone imagery overestimated barren (F2,182 = 100.03, P < 0.0001) and shrub classes (F2,182 = 160.16, P < 0.0001) compared to ground estimates. Inconspicuous graminoid and forb species (non-shrubs) were difficult to detect from drone imagery and were underestimated compared to ground-based transects (F2,182 = 843.77, P < 0.0001). Our findings corroborate previous findings, and that simple RGB imagery is useful for evaluating broad scale goose damage, and may play an important role in measuring habitat destruction by geese and other agents of environmental change.
机译:较小的雪雁(Anser caerulescens caerulescens)种群通过增加觅食压力极大地改变了植被群落。在偏远地区,定期进行栖息地评估在后勤上既困难又费时。生态学家越来越多地使用无人机来进行栖息地评估,但是依靠地面参考数据作为地面真实情况可能并不总是可行的。我们使用无人机图像的光解法估算了鹅栖息地的退化情况,并将其与地面线性样条线的估算值进行了比较。 2016年7月,我们在马尼托巴省LaPérouse湾调查了五个研究用地,以评估带有简单红绿蓝(RGB)图像的固定翼无人驾驶飞机对雪雁栖息地退化的有效性。收集了地面土地覆盖数据,并将其分为贫瘠,灌木或非灌木类别。我们比较了基于地面的样面和根据无监督的无人机影像分类(在海拔75、100和120 m的地面(分别为2.4、3.2和3.8 cm的地面采样距离))收集的估计。我们发现在无人机调查的数据收集步骤中节省了大量时间,但是这些节省最终在图像处理过程中丢失了。基于照片解释,无人机图像的总体准确性通常很高(88.8%至92.0%),并且Kappa系数与先前发布的无人机图像栖息地评估相似。混合模型估计值表明与地面估计值相比,高估了75m无人机图像的贫瘠程度(F2,182 = 100.03,P <0.0001)和灌木类别(F2,182 = 160.16,P <0.0001)。与基于地面的样带相比,难以从无人机图像中发现不明显的类蠕虫和福布斯物种(非灌木),并且被低估了(F2,182 = 843.77,P <0.0001)。我们的发现证实了先前的发现,并且简单的RGB图像可用于评估大范围的鹅的伤害,并且可能在评估鹅和其他环境变化因素对栖息地的破坏中起重要作用。



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