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Movement ecology of the carnivorous woolly false vampire bat (Chrotopterus auritus) in southern Mexico

机译:墨西哥南部肉食性羊毛假吸血蝙蝠(Chrotopterus auritus)的运动生态



Deforestation is a critical threat to bats. The woolly false vampire bat Chrotopterus auritus is a carnivorous bat that is both an indicator species for well-conserved forests and a threatened species in Mexico and other countries due to deforestation. We currently lack the information needed to assess the effects of forest fragmentation and destruction on their populations and to develop plans for their conservation. We used GPS loggers to study the movement patterns of C. auritus in southern Mexico. We observed 72 foraging nights by GPS-tagging 10 individuals from two colonies on 32 occasions in a highly disturbed heterogeneous landscape with extensive deforestation (Hormiguero), and in a more homogeneous, well-preserved forested landscape (Monterrey). Tracked false vampire bats averaged a home range of 108.24 ha, a core foraging area of 3.78 ha and average maximum flight distances of 2.06 km. The bats ranged farther and flew significantly longer distances in Hormiguero than in Monterrey, with males flying longer and more variable distances. They used the well-preserved semi-deciduous forest more often than secondary forest and agricultural fields for traveling and foraging, but the bats occasionally moved and hunted along the borders of secondary forest and agricultural fields adjacent to semi-deciduous conserved forest areas. Although this carnivorous bat might cope with some fragmentation, we suggest that large well-preserved forested areas are highly important for its conservation.
机译:砍伐森林是对蝙蝠的严重威胁。毛茸茸的假吸血蝙蝠Chrotopterus auritus是一种食肉蝙蝠,既是森林保护良好的指示物种,又是因森林砍伐而在墨西哥和其他国家受到威胁的物种。我们目前缺乏评估森林破碎化和破坏对其种群的影响以及制定保护计划所需的信息。我们使用GPS记录仪来研究墨西哥南部的金龟子的运动模式。我们通过GPS标记32个场合的10个来自两个殖民地的人的72个觅食之夜,这些人在受到严重破坏的异质性景观中广泛砍伐森林(Hormiguero),并在更加均匀,保存完好的森林景观中(Monterrey)。追踪到的假吸血蝙蝠的平均飞行距离为108.24公顷,核心觅食区为3.78公顷,平均最大飞行距离为2.06公里。蝙蝠的射程更远,在霍尔米格耶罗的飞行距离远比在蒙特雷的更长,雄蝇飞行的距离更长,距离变化更大。他们使用保存完好的半落叶林而不是次要森林和农田来旅行和觅食,但是蝙蝠偶尔会沿着次生林和农田的边界移动并在毗邻半落叶保护林区的地方狩猎。尽管这种食肉蝙蝠可能可以应付一些碎片,但我们认为,保存完好的大森林地区对其保护至关重要。



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