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Using social network analysis to plan, promote and monitor intersectoral collaboration for health in rural India




BackgroundAs population health and well-being are influenced by multiple factors that cut across sectoral boundaries, an intersectoral approach that acknowledges and leverages the multiple determinants, actors and sectors at play is increasingly seen as critical for achieving meaningful and lasting improvements. In this study, we utilize social network analysis (SNA) to characterize the intersectoral collaboration between the organizations working on maternal & child health (MCH) and water & sanitation (WASH) before and immediately after the implementation of HCL Foundation (HCLF)-funded HCL Samuday Project (2015–2017) in a rural block of Uttar Pradesh state, India. While SNA has been used to examine public health issues, few have used it monitor stakeholder relationships, intervene, improve and facilitate project implementation involving intersectoral partnerships, particularly in the context of a low-and middle-income countries.
机译:背景技术随着人口健康和福祉受到跨部门边界的多种因素的影响,越来越多地采用承认和利用多种决定因素,行动者和部门的跨部门方法,对于实现有意义和持久的改善至关重要。在这项研究中,我们利用社交网络分析(SNA)来描述在HCL基金会(HCLF)资助实施之前和之后,致力于母婴健康(MCH)和供水与卫生(WASH)的组织之间的跨部门合作的特征。印度北方邦农村地区的HCL Samuday项目(2015-2017年)。尽管国民账户体系已被用来审查公共卫生问题,但很少有人使用它来监测利益相关者的关系,干预,改善和促进涉及部门间伙伴关系的项目的实施,特别是在中低收入国家的情况下。



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