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Energy harvesting based routing protocol for underwater sensor networks




Underwater sensor networks (UWSNs) are ad-hoc networks which are deployed at rivers, seas and oceans to explore and monitor the phenomena such as pollution control, seismic activities and petroleum mining etc. The sensor nodes of UWSNs have limited charging capabilities. UWSNs networks are generally operated under two deployment mechanisms i.e localization and non-localization based. However, in both the mechanisms, balanced energy utilization is a challenging issue. Inefficient usage of energy significantly affects stability period, packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, path loss and throughput of a network. To efficiently utilize and harvest energy, this paper present a novel scheme called EH-ARCUN (Energy Harvesting Analytical approach towards Reliability with Cooperation for UWSNs) based on cooperation with energy harvesting. The scheme employs Amplify-and-Forward (AF) technique at relay nodes for data forwarding and Fixed Combining Ratio (FCR) technique at destination node to select accurate signal. The proposed technique selects relay nodes among its neighbor nodes based on harvested energy level. Most cooperation-based UWSN routing techniques do not exhibit energy harvesting mechanism at the relay nodes. EH-ARCUN deploys piezoelectric energy harvesting at relay nodes to improve the working capabilities of sensors in UWSNs. The proposed scheme is an extension of our previously implemented routing scheme called ARCUN for UWSNs. Performance of the proposed scheme is compared with ARCUN and RACE (Reliability and Adaptive Cooperation for efficient Underwater sensor Networks) schemes in term of stability period, packet delivery ratio, network throughput and path loss. Extensive simulation results show that EH-ARCUN performs better than both previous schemes in terms of the considered parameters.
机译:水下传感器网络(UWSN)是部署在河流,海洋中的ad-hoc网络,用于探索和监视污染控制,地震活动和石油开采等现象。UWSN的传感器节点充电能力有限。 UWSN网络通常在两种部署机制下运行,即基于本地化和基于非本地化。然而,在两种机制中,平衡的能源利用都是一个挑战性的问题。能源使用效率低下会严重影响网络的稳定期,数据包传输率,端到端延迟,路径损耗和吞吐量。为了有效地利用和收集能量,本文提出了一种基于能量收集合作的新方案,称为EH-ARCUN(UWSN的能量收集分析方法,以实现对合作的可靠性)。该方案在中继节点处采用放大转发(AF)技术进行数据转发,并在目标节点处采用固定组合比(FCR)技术来选择准确的信号。所提出的技术基于所收集的能量水平在其邻居节点中选择中继节点。大多数基于合作的UWSN路由技术在中继节点上都没有展现出能量收集机制。 EH-ARCUN在中继节点处部署压电能量收集,以提高UWSN中传感器的工作能力。提议的方案是我们先前为UWSN实施的称为ARCUN的路由方案的扩展。在稳定性周期,分组传送率,网络吞吐量和路径损耗方面,将所提方案的性能与ARCUN和RACE(高效水下传感器网络的可靠性和自适应协作)方案进行了比较。大量的仿真结果表明,在考虑的参数方面,EH-ARCUN的性能优于之前的两种方案。



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