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From the Front or Back Door? Quantitative analysis of direct and indirect extractions of α-mangostin from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana)

机译:从前门还是后门?从山竹(Garcinia mangostana)中直接和间接提取α-芒果的定量分析



The pulp and pericarp of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) fruit are popular food, beverage and health products whereby 60% of the fruit consist of the pericarp. The major metabolite in the previously neglected or less economically significant part of the fruit, the pericarp, is the prenylated xanthone α-mangostin. This highly bioactive secondary metabolite is typically isolated using solvent extraction methods that involve large volumes of halogenated solvents either via direct or indirect extraction. In this study, we compared the quantities of α-mangostin extracted using three different extraction methods based on the environmentally friendly solvents methanol and ethyl acetate. The three solvent extractions methods used were direct extractions from methanol (DM) and ethyl acetate (DEA) as well as indirect extraction of ethyl acetate obtained via solvent partitioning from an initial methanol extract (IEA). Our results showed that direct extraction afforded similar and higher quantities of α-mangostin than indirect extraction (DM: 318 mg; DEA: 305 mg; IEA: 209 mg per 5 g total dried pericarp). Therefore, we suggest that the commonly used method of indirect solvent extraction using halogenated solvents for the isolation of α-mangostin is replaced by single solvent direct extraction using the environmentally friendly solvents methanol or ethyl acetate.
机译:山竹(Garcinia mangostana)水果的果肉和果皮是流行的食品,饮料和保健品,其中60%的水果由果皮组成。先前被忽略或在经济上不那么重要的水果部分中的主要代谢产物果皮是异戊二烯酮黄酮α-芒果。通常使用溶剂萃取方法分离这种具有高生物活性的次级代谢产物,该方法涉及直接或间接萃取的大量卤代溶剂。在这项研究中,我们比较了基于环境友好的溶剂甲醇和乙酸乙酯,使用三种不同的提取方法提取的α-芒果苷的量。所使用的三种溶剂萃取方法是直接从甲醇(DM)和乙酸乙酯(DEA)萃取,以及通过从初始甲醇萃取液(IEA)中分配溶剂获得的乙酸乙酯间接萃取。我们的结果表明,与间接提取法相比,直接提取法可得到与间接提取法相似且更高含量的α-Mangostin(DM:318 mg; DEA:305 mg; IEA:209 mg,每5 g总干燥果皮)。因此,我们建议将使用卤化溶剂间接分离α-Mangostin的常用溶剂提取方法替换为使用环保溶剂甲醇或乙酸乙酯的单溶剂直接提取方法。



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