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Growth standard charts for monitoring bodyweight in dogs of different sizes




Limited information is available on what constitutes optimal growth in dogs. The primary aim of this study was to develop evidence-based growth standards for dogs, using retrospective analysis of bodyweight and age data from >6 million young dogs attending a large corporate network of primary care veterinary hospitals across the USA. Electronic medical records were used to generate bodyweight data from immature client-owned dogs, that were healthy and had remained in ideal body condition throughout the first 3 years of life. Growth centile curves were constructed using Generalised Additive Models for Location, Shape and Scale. Curves were displayed graphically as centile charts covering the age range 12 weeks to 2 years. Over 100 growth charts were modelled, specific to different combinations of breed, sex and neuter status. Neutering before 37 weeks was associated with a slight upward shift in growth trajectory, whilst neutering after 37 weeks was associated with a slight downward shift in growth trajectory. However, these shifts were small in comparison to inter-individual variability amongst dogs, suggesting that separate curves for neutered dogs were not needed. Five bodyweight categories were created to cover breeds up to 40kg, using both visual assessment and hierarchical cluster analysis of breed-specific growth curves. For 20/24 of the individual breed centile curves, agreement with curves for the corresponding bodyweight categories was good. For the remaining 4 breed curves, occasional deviation across centile lines was observed, but overall agreement was acceptable. This suggested that growth could be described using size categories rather than requiring curves for specific breeds. In the current study, a series of evidence-based growth standards have been developed to facilitate charting of bodyweight in healthy dogs. Additional studies are required to validate these standards and create a clinical tool for growth monitoring in pet dogs.
机译:关于什么构成狗的最佳生长的信息有限。这项研究的主要目的是通过对来自全美一家大型基层兽医医院网络中超过600万只幼犬的体重和年龄数据进行回顾性分析,制定出以证据为基础的犬生长标准。电子病历被用来从不成熟的客户拥有的狗中获得体重数据,这些狗是健康的,并且在生命的最初3年中一直处于理想的身体状况。使用位置,形状和比例的通用加性模型构建生长中心曲线。曲线以百分位图的形式以图形方式显示,覆盖了12周至2岁的年龄范围。建模了100多个生长图,特定于品种,性别和中性状态的不同组合。 37周前中子绝育与生长轨迹略有上移有关,而37周后中子绝育与生长轨迹略有下移有关。但是,与狗之间的个体差异相比,这些变化很小,这表明不需要为绝育的狗提供单独的曲线。通过目测评估和特定品种生长曲线的层次聚类分析,创建了五个体重类别以覆盖40kg以下的品种。对于20/24的单个繁殖百分率曲线,与相应体重类别的曲线的一致性很好。对于其余的4个品种曲线,偶尔会出现跨中心线的偏离,但总体一致性是可以接受的。这表明可以用大小类别来描述生长,而不是需要特定品种的曲线。在当前的研究中,已经开发了一系列基于证据的生长标准,以帮助绘制健康犬的体重。需要进行额外的研究来验证这些标准并创建用于监测宠物狗生长的临床工具。



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