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Pterodactylus scolopaciceps Meyer, 1860 (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) from the Upper Jurassic of Bavaria, Germany: The Problem of Cryptic Pterosaur Taxa in Early Ontogeny

机译:来自德国巴伐利亚上侏罗统的翼手龙(Pterodactylus scolopaciceps Meyer),1860年(翼手龙,翼手龙):早期个体发育中的隐性翼龙类群问题



The taxonomy of the Late Jurassic pterodactyloid pterosaur Pterodactylus scolopaciceps Meyer, 1860 from the Solnhofen Limestone Formation of Bavaria, Germany is reviewed. Its nomenclatural history is long and complex, having been synonymised with both P. kochi (Wagner, 1837), and P. antiquus (Sömmerring, 1812). The majority of pterosaur species from the Solnhofen Limestone, including P. scolopaciceps are represented by juveniles. Consequently, specimens can appear remarkably similar due to juvenile characteristics detracting from taxonomic differences that are exaggerated in later ontogeny. Previous morphological and morphometric analyses have failed to separate species or even genera due to this problem, and as a result many species have been subsumed into a single taxon. A hypodigm for P. scolopaciceps, comprising of the holotype (BSP AS V 29 a/b) and material Broili referred to the taxon is described. P. scolopaciceps is found to be a valid taxon, but placement within Pterodactylus is inappropriate. Consequently, the new genus Aerodactylus is erected to accommodate it. Aerodactylus can be diagnosed on account of a unique suite of characters including jaws containing 16 teeth per-jaw, per-side, which are more sparsely distributed caudally and terminate rostral to the nasoantorbital fenestra; dorsal surface of the skull is subtly depressed rostral of the cranial table; rostrum very elongate (RI = ∼7), terminating in a point; orbits correspondingly low and elongate; elongate cervical vertebrae (approximately three times the length of their width); wing-metacarpal elongate, but still shorter than the ulna and first wing-phalanx; and pteroid approximately 65% of the total length of the ulna, straight and extremely thin (less than one third the width of the ulna). A cladistic analysis demonstrates that Aerodactylus is distinct from Pterodactylus, but close to Cycnorhamphus Seeley, 1870, Ardeadactylus Bennett, 2013a and Aurorazhdarcho Frey, Meyer and Tischlinger, 2011, consequently we erect the inclusive taxon Aurorazhdarchidae for their reception.
机译:回顾了晚侏罗世翼手龙类翼龙翼手龙Meolo,1860年从德国巴伐利亚Solnhofen石灰石地层的分类学。它的命名历史悠久而复杂,已与高知假单胞菌(Wagner,1837)和安提假单胞菌(Sömmerring,1812)成为同义词。幼虫代表了Solnhofen石灰石中的大多数翼龙类,包括硬尾毕赤酵母。因此,由于幼年特征降低了分类学差异,使标本看起来非常相似,而分类学差异在后来的个体发育中被夸大。由于这个问题,以前的形态学和形态计量学分析未能分离出物种甚至属,因此许多物种被归入一个分类单元。描述了一种对球菌的亚种,包括完整型(BSP AS V 29 a / b)和称为分类单元的材料Broili。 P. scolopaciceps被认为是有效的分类单元,但是在翼手龙内放置是不合适的。因此,竖立了新的Aerodactylus属来适应它。可以通过一组独特的字符来诊断出翼龙,包括每颚每侧含16个牙齿的颚,它们的尾状分布较稀疏,并终止于鼻眶窗的鼻尖。颅骨的背表面在颅骨表的鼻翼处略微凹陷。讲台非常伸长(RI =〜7),终止于一点。轨道相应地低而细长;伸长的颈椎椎骨(大约是其宽度的三倍);翅掌掌伸长,但仍短于尺骨和第一翅指骨;翼骨约占尺骨总长度的65%,直且极其薄(小于尺骨宽度的三分之一)。大量分析表明,翼龙不同于翼手龙,但与Cycnorhamphus Seeley(1870年),Ardeadactylus Bennett(2013年a)和 Aurorazhdarcho Frey,Meyer和Tischlinger(2011年)非常接近,因此我们为它们的包容性分类建立了Aurorazhdarchidae 。



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