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Communication in the Third Dimension: Song Perch Height of Rivals Affects Singing Response in Nightingales




Many animals use long-range signals to compete over mates and resources. Optimal transmission can be achieved by choosing efficient signals, or by choosing adequate signalling perches and song posts. High signalling perches benefit sound transmission and reception, but may be more risky due to exposure to airborne predators. Perch height could thus reflect male quality, with individuals signalling at higher perches appearing as more threatening to rivals. Using playbacks on nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos), we simulated rivals singing at the same height as residents, or singing three metres higher. Surprisingly, residents increased song output stronger, and, varying with future pairing success, overlapped more songs of the playback when rivals were singing at the same height than when they were singing higher. Other than expected, rivals singing at the same height may thus be experienced as more threatening than rivals singing at higher perches. Our study provides new evidence that territorial animals integrate information on signalling height and thus on vertical cues in their assessment of rivals.
机译:许多动物使用远程信号来争夺配偶和资源。最佳传输可以通过选择有效的信号,或通过选择适当的信号传输位和歌曲位置来实现。高信号栖息率有利于声音的传输和接收,但由于暴露于空中掠食性动物,因此可能更具风险。因此,鲈鱼的身高可能反映出雄性的素质,高位个体的信号对竞争对手的威胁似乎更大。使用夜莺(Luscinia megarhynchos)上的播放,我们模拟了竞争对手在与居民相同的高度唱歌或在三米高的地方唱歌的对手。令人惊讶的是,居民的歌曲输出增加得更强,并且随着将来配对的成功而变化,当竞争对手以相同的高度唱歌时,他们的歌声重叠的程度要高于他们唱歌时的重叠率。与预期不同的是,在相同高度唱歌的竞争对手可能比在较高栖息地唱歌的竞争对手更具威胁性。我们的研究提供了新的证据,即在评估对手时,地域动物整合了有关信号高度的信息,因此也包含了有关垂直线索的信息。



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