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Rapid Vascular Responses to Anthrax Lethal Toxin in Mice Containing a Segment of Chromosome 11 from the CAST/Ei Strain on a C57BL/6 Genetic Background

机译:在C57BL / 6遗传背景下,对包含CAST / Ei品系11号染色体片段的小鼠的炭疽致死毒素的快速血管反应



Host allelic variation controls the response to B. anthracis and the disease course of anthrax. Mouse strains with macrophages that are responsive to anthrax lethal toxin (LT) show resistance to infection while mouse strains with LT non-responsive macrophages succumb more readily. B6.CAST.11M mice have a region of chromosome 11 from the CAST/Ei strain (a LT responsive strain) introgressed onto a LT non-responsive C57BL/6J genetic background. Previously, B6.CAST.11M mice were found to exhibit a rapid inflammatory reaction to LT termed the early response phenotype (ERP), and displayed greater resistance to B. anthracis infection compared to C57BL/6J mice. Several ERP features (e.g., bloat, hypothermia, labored breathing, dilated pinnae vessels) suggested vascular involvement. To test this, Evan’s blue was used to assess vessel leakage and intravital microscopy was used to monitor microvascular blood flow. Increased vascular leakage was observed in lungs of B6.CAST.11M mice compared to C57BL/6J mice 1 hour after systemic administration of LT. Capillary blood flow was reduced in the small intestine mesentery without concomitant leukocyte emigration following systemic or topical application of LT, the latter suggesting a localized tissue mechanism in this response. Since LT activates the Nlrp1b inflammasome in B6.CAST.11M mice, the roles of inflammasome products, IL-1β and IL-18, were examined. Topical application to the mesentery of IL-1β but not IL-18 revealed pronounced slowing of blood flow in B6.CAST.11M mice that was not present in C57BL/6J mice. A neutralizing anti-IL-1β antibody suppressed the slowing of blood flow induced by LT, indicating a role for IL-1β in the response. Besides allelic differences controlling Nlrp1b inflammasome activation by LT observed previously, evidence presented here suggests that an additional genetic determinant(s) could regulate the vascular response to IL-1β. These results demonstrate that vessel leakage and alterations to blood flow are part of the rapid response in mice resistant to B. anthracis infection.
机译:宿主等位基因变异控制对炭疽芽孢杆菌和炭疽病病程的反应。具有对炭疽致死毒素(LT)有响应的巨噬细胞的小鼠品系显示出对感染的抵抗力,而具有LT无响应的巨噬细胞的小鼠品系更容易屈服。 B6.CAST.11M小鼠的CAST / Ei株(一种LT响应株)的11号染色体区域进入了LT无响应C57BL / 6J遗传背景。以前,发现B6.CAST.11M小鼠对LT表现出快速的炎症反应,称为早期反应表型(ERP),与C57BL / 6J小鼠相比,对炭疽芽孢杆菌感染表现出更大的抵抗力。一些ERP功能(例如膨胀,体温过低,呼吸困难,耳廓血管扩张)提示血管受累。为了测试这一点,埃文氏蓝被用来评估血管渗漏,活体显微镜被用来监测微血管血流。全身性给予LT后1小时,与C57BL / 6J小鼠相比,B6.CAST.11M小鼠的肺部血管渗漏增加。全身或局部应用LT后,小肠肠系膜中的毛细血管血流减少而无白细胞迁移,后者提示该反应存在局部组织机制。由于LT激活了B6.CAST.11M小鼠的Nlrp1b炎性小体,因此检查了炎性小体产物IL-1β和IL-18的作用。对IL-1β肠系膜的局部应用但对IL-18肠系膜的局部应用显示B6.CAST.11M小鼠的血流明显减慢,而C57BL / 6J小鼠中没有。中和性抗IL-1β抗体抑制了LT诱导的血流减慢,表明IL-1β在反应中起作用。除了先前观察到的控制LT控制Nlrp1b炎性体激活的等位基因差异外,此处提供的证据还表明,其他遗传决定因素可以调节对IL-1β的血管反应。这些结果表明,在对炭疽芽孢杆菌感染具有抗性的小鼠中,血管渗漏和血流改变是快速反应的一部分。



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