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Effects of turbidity on the spontaneous and prey-searching activity of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)




Increasing turbidity in coastal waters in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas has raised concerns about impacts on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) using these areas as nurseries. A previous experiment (Meager et al. 2005 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. >62, 1978–1984) has shown that turbidity (up to 28 beam attenuation m−1) had little effect on the foraging rate of juvenile cod. Although this was attributed to cod using chemoreception in conjunction with vision to locate prey, foraging rates may also be maintained by increased activity. Higher activity, however, is energetically costly and may offset benefits from increased foraging return.We examined the effects of turbidity on prey searching and spontaneous activity of juvenile cod in the laboratory, by measuring activity with and without prey cues. Activity of juvenile cod was nonlinearly affected by turbidity and was lower at intermediate turbidity, regardless of the presence of prey odour. Activity increased over time when prey odour was present and decreased when absent, but the effects of prey odour were similar across all turbidity levels. Position in the tank was unaffected by turbidity or prey odour. Reduced activity at intermediate turbidities is likely to offset longer prey-search times. At high turbidity (greater than 17 m−1), both longer prey-search times and higher activity indicate that increased energetic costs are probable.
机译:北大西洋沿岸水域和邻近海域的浊度不断增加,引起了人们对使用这些地区作为苗圃对大西洋鳕鱼(加德斯·莫尔瓦)的影响的担忧。先前的一项实验(Meager等人,2005 Can。J. Fish。Aquat。Sci。> 62 ,1978–1984年)显示浊度(高达28的光束衰减m -1 )对鳕鱼的觅食率影响很小。尽管这归因于鳕鱼使用化学感受结合视觉定位猎物,但觅食率也可以通过增加活动来维持。然而,更高的活动在能量上是昂贵的,并且可能抵消了觅食回报的增加所带来的收益。我们通过测量有无饵料的活动,研究了浊度对实验室中捕食鳕鱼和自发活动的影响。幼鳕鱼的活性受浊度非线性影响,而在中等浊度下则较低,无论是否存在猎物气味。当存在猎物气味时,活性随时间增加,而在不存在猎物气味时,活性随时间降低,但是在所有浊度水平下,猎物气味的作用都相似。坦克中的位置不受混浊或猎物气味的影响。中度浊度活动的减少可能会抵消更长的猎物搜索时间。在高浊度(大于17μm −1 )下,更长的猎物搜索时间和更高的活动强度都表明可能增加能量消耗。



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