




The incidence of refractory seizures has remained at 30–40%, even with the approval of nine new anticonvulsants over the past 12 years. In attempts to reduce seizure frequency and severity, physicians routinely resort to combining two or more anticonvulsants, ideally with different mechanisms of action. These combinatorial therapies are difficult to administer for both patient and caregiver and often result in tolerability issues. Hence, a broad spectrum anticonvulsant, with multiple mechanisms of action, that is well tolerated, would provide physicians with an important option in their armamentarium to control seizures. Felbamate initially fit this profile and was demonstrated to effectively control both partial and generalized seizures in clinical studies supporting registration. Unfortunately, unanticipated idiosyncratic toxicity was observed after approval and the drug is now relegated to second or third line therapy, depending on patient history and seizure type. Epileptologists still prescribe this drug for refractory seizures, and a recent communication indicates that 35,000 to 46,000 new patients have tried Felbatol (MedPointe Pharmaceuticals, Somerset, NJ) since 1995. The continued utilization of Felbatol, in light of its risk:benefit issues, highlights the need for new efficacious therapeutic options. Fluorofelbamate (MedPointe Pharmaceuticals), a phase I drug candidate, was designed to retain the broad spectrum multimechanistic activity of felbamate, with a modified metabolism that has demonstrated, , to avoid the production of the reactive metabolite believed to cause the idiosyncratic toxicity. This drug candidate is one of several carbamates either in development or currently on the market for treatment of seizures and other CNS disorders.
机译:难治性癫痫发作的发病率为30-40%,即使在过去12年的批准中批准九个新的抗惊厥药。在尝试减少癫痫发作频率和严重程度,医生常常诉诸两个或更多个抗惊厥药,理想地用不同的作用机制。这些组合疗法难以为患者和护理人员施用,并且通常会导致耐受性问题。因此,具有多种耐受性的广谱抗惊厥药,具有良好的耐受性的机制,将为医生提供具有在其盔甲中具有重要选择的医生来控制癫痫发作。 Felbamate最初符合该概况,并证明有效地控制支持登记的临床研究中的部分和广义癫痫发作。不幸的是,在批准后观察到意外的特质毒性,并且该药物现在被降低到第二或第三线疗法,这取决于患者历史和癫痫发作类型。脱骨所仍然规定难治性癫痫发作的这种药物,最近的沟通表明,自1995年以来,35,000至46,000名新患者尝试了Felbatol(Medpointe Pharmaceuticals,Somerset,NJ)。根据其风险,Felbatol继续利用:福利问题,亮点需要新的有效治疗选择。氟脲(Medpointe Pharmaceuticals),I候候选候选候选者,旨在保留Felbamate的广泛频谱多发性活性,具有所示的改性代谢,以避免被认为具有特征性毒性的反应性代谢物的产生。这种药物候选者是在开发或目前在市场上进行癫痫发作和其他CNS疾病的几种氨基甲酸盐之一。



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