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First comprehensive report of bacteria spp. associated with cloaca of Laudakia nupta (Sauria: Agamidae) in Iran using molecular studies

机译:细菌菌种的首次综合报道。分子研究与伊朗Laudakia nupta(索里亚语:Agamidae)的泄殖腔相关



Iran bears a remarkable variety of reptiles. One of the lizard families occurring in Iran is the Family Agamidae which is widely are distributed throughout the old world. The large-scaled rock agamid, Laudakia nupta, is one of the well-known agamid. There are few reports of cloacal microbial on reptiles hence their function in cloacae remains unknown. Laudakia nupta usually live in rural and urban areas and close vicinity to man, they are likely to play an important role in the spread of disease that may be caused by these microorganisms and their transmission to man. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the bacterial flora colonizing the cloacal region of Laudakia nupta using molecular studies. The cloacal fluids were directly placed on nutrient agar (NA) plates and incubated at 25 ± 2 °C for 48 h. The resulting bacterial colonies were transferred to fresh nutrient agar (NA) plates for molecular studies. Twelve isolates were obtained from 17 specimens of Laudakia nupta. All bacteria isolates were identified as Bacillus subtillis (5), Bacillus cereus (4), Bacillus sp. (1), Pseudomonas putida (1), and Pseudomonas sp. (1) based on partial sequences of the 16 s rRNA gene. This is the first comprehensive report of bacteria spp. associated with cloaca of Laudakia nupta using molecular studies. In this research, we found that Laudakia nupta can be a carrier of bacteria which can transfer microorganisms to hosts.
机译:伊朗拥有大量的爬行动物。发生在伊朗的蜥蜴科之一是无足纲科,该科广泛分布于整个旧世界。大型岩石石堆,Laudakia nupta,是著名的石堆之一。关于爬行动物的泄殖腔微生物的报道很少,因此它们在泄殖腔中的功能仍然未知。 Laudakia nupta通常生活在农村和城市地区,并且靠近人类,它们很可能在这些微生物引起的疾病传播及其向人类的传播中起重要作用。因此,本研究的目的是使用分子研究来鉴定定居于Laudakia nupta泄殖腔区域的细菌菌群。将泄殖腔液直接置于营养琼脂(NA)平板上,并在25±2±2°C下温育48±h。将得到的细菌菌落转移到新鲜的营养琼脂(NA)平板上进行分子研究。从17个月桂叶标本中获得了十二个分离株。所有细菌分离物被鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌(5),蜡状芽孢杆菌(4),芽孢杆菌。 (1),恶臭假单胞菌(1)和假单胞菌sp。 (1)基于16 s rRNA基因的部分序列。这是细菌菌种的首次综合报道。使用分子研究发现与Laudakia nupta的泄殖腔相关。在这项研究中,我们发现Laudakia nupta可以作为细菌的载体,可以将微生物转移到宿主中。



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