首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Virology >WFDC1/ps20 Is a Novel Innate Immunomodulatory Signature Protein of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-Permissive CD4+ CD45RO+ Memory T Cells That Promotes Infection by Upregulating CD54 Integrin Expression and Is Elevated in HIV Type 1 Infection

WFDC1/ps20 Is a Novel Innate Immunomodulatory Signature Protein of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-Permissive CD4+ CD45RO+ Memory T Cells That Promotes Infection by Upregulating CD54 Integrin Expression and Is Elevated in HIV Type 1 Infection

机译:WFDC1 / ps20是人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)允许的CD4 + CD45RO +记忆T细胞的新型先天免疫调节标志蛋白,可通过上调CD54整合素表达促进感染,并在HIV 1型感染中升高。



Understanding why human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) preferentially infects some CD4+ CD45RO+ memory T cells has implications for antiviral immunity and pathogenesis. We report that differential expression of a novel secreted factor, ps20, previously implicated in tissue remodeling, may underlie why some CD4 T cells are preferentially targeted. We show that (i) there is a significant positive correlation between endogenous ps20 mRNA in diverse CD4 T-cell populations and in vitro infection, (ii) a ps20+ permissive cell can be made less permissive by antibody blockade- or small-interference RNA-mediated knockdown of endogenous ps20, and (iii) conversely, a ps20low cell can be more permissive by adding ps20 exogenously or engineering stable ps20 expression by retroviral transduction. ps20 expression is normally detectable in CD4 T cells after in vitro activation and interleukin-2 expansion, and such oligoclonal populations comprise ps20positive and ps20low/negative isogenic clones at an early differentiation stage (CD45RO+/CD25+/CD28+/CD57). This pattern is altered in chronic HIV infection, where ex vivo CD4+ CD45RO+ T cells express elevated ps20. ps20 promoted HIV entry via fusion and augmented CD54 integrin expression; both of these effects were reversed by anti-ps20 antibody. We therefore propose ps20 to be a novel signature of HIV-permissive CD4 T cells that promotes infection in an autocrine and paracrine manner and that HIV has coopted a fundamental role of ps20 in promoting cell adhesion for its benefit. Disrupting the ps20 pathway may therefore provide a novel anti-HIV strategy.
机译:了解为什么人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)优先感染某些CD4 + CD45RO + 记忆T细胞对抗病毒免疫和发病机理有重要意义。我们报告说,以前涉及组织重塑的新型分泌因子ps20的差异表达可能是某些CD4 T细胞优先被靶向的原因。我们显示(i)各种CD4 T细胞群体中的内源ps20 mRNA与体外感染之间存在显着正相关,(ii)抗体可使ps20 + 允许性细胞的允许性降低阻断或小干扰RNA介导的内源ps20的敲低,(iii)相反,通过外源添加ps20或通过逆转录病毒转导工程稳定ps20的表达,可使ps20 low 细胞更宽容。在体外活化和白介素2扩增后,通常可在CD4 T细胞中检测到ps20表达,并且这种寡克隆群体在早期包含ps20 阳性和ps20 low / negative 等基因克隆。分化阶段(CD45RO + / CD25 + / CD28 + / CD57 -)。这种模式在慢性HIV感染中有所改变,其中离体CD4 + CD45RO + T细胞表达升高的ps20。 ps20通过融合和增加CD54整合素表达促进HIV进入;这两种作用均被抗ps20抗体逆转。因此,我们提出ps20是HIV允许的CD4 T细胞以自分泌和旁分泌方式促进感染的新标志,并且HIV出于其益处已经采用了ps20在促进细胞粘附方面的基本作用。因此,破坏ps20途径可能会提供一种新颖的抗HIV策略。



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