首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Medical Devices >Development and Feasibility of a Robotic Laparoscopic Clipping Tool for Wound Closure and Anastomosis

Development and Feasibility of a Robotic Laparoscopic Clipping Tool for Wound Closure and Anastomosis




This paper reports the design, development, and initial evaluation of a robotic laparoscopic clipping tool for single manipulator wound closure and anastomosis (tubular reconnection). The tool deploys biodegradable clips and clasps with the goal of (i) integrating grasping and suturing into a single device for single hand or manipulator use, (ii) applying the equivalent of interrupted sutures without the need of managing suture thread, and (iii) allowing for full six degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) laparoscopic control when mounted on a robot arm. The specifications, workflow, and detailed design of the robotic laparoscopic tool and injection molded bio-absorbable T shaped clip and locking clasp are reported. The clipping tool integrates forceps to grab and stabilize tissue and a clip and clasp applier to approximate and fixate the tissue. A curved needle is advanced on a circular needle path and picks up and drags clips through tissue. The clip is then tightened through the tissue and a clasp is clamped around the clip, before the clip is released from the needle. Results of several bench test runs of the tool show: (a) repeatable circular needle drive, (b) successful pick-up and deployment of clips, (c) successful shear of the clip to release the clip from the needle, and (d) closure of clasp on clip with an average of 2.0 N holding force. These data indicate that the robotic laparoscopic clipping tool could be used for laparoscopic wound closure and anastomosis.
机译:本文报道了用于单个机械手伤口闭合和吻合(肾小管再连接)的机器人腹腔镜夹持工具的设计,开发和初步评估。该工具部署可生物降解的夹子和卡扣,目的是(i)将抓握和缝合集成到单个设备中,以供单手或机械手使用;(ii)应用等效的间断缝合而无需管理缝合线,以及(iii)当安装在机器人手臂上时,可实现完整的六个自由度(DOF)腹腔镜控制。报告了机器人腹腔镜工具的规格,工作流程和详细设计,以及注射成型的可生物吸收的T形夹子和锁扣。修剪工具整合了镊子以抓取并稳定组织,并结合了夹子和扣子以近似并固定组织。弯曲的针头在圆形针头路径上前进,拾取并拖动组织中的夹子。然后将夹子从组织中拉紧,然后将夹子从针头上松开,然后将夹子扣紧在夹子周围。该工具的几次台式测试结果表明:(a)可重复的圆形针头驱动;(b)夹子的成功拾取和展开;(c)夹子的成功剪切,以将夹子从针头释放;以及(d )用平均2.0 N的保持力闭合夹子上的扣子。这些数据表明,机器人腹腔镜钳夹工具可用于腹腔镜伤口闭合和吻合术。



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