首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Quantifying the Impacts of Economic Progress, Economic Structure, Urbanization Process, and Number of Vehicles on PM2.5 Concentration: A Provincial Panel Data Model Analysis of China

Quantifying the Impacts of Economic Progress, Economic Structure, Urbanization Process, and Number of Vehicles on PM2.5 Concentration: A Provincial Panel Data Model Analysis of China




With the rapid development of China’s economy, the environmental problems are becoming increasingly prominent, especially the PM2.5 (particulate matter with diameter smaller than 2.5 μm) concentrations that have exerted adverse influences on human health. Considering the fact that PM2.5 concentrations are mainly caused by anthropogenic activities, this paper selected economic growth, economic structure, urbanization, and the number of civil vehicles as the primary factors and then explored the nexus between those variables and PM2.5 concentrations by employing a panel data model for 31 Chinese provinces. The estimated model showed that: (1) the coefficients of the variables for provinces located in North, Central, and East China were larger than that of other provinces; (2) GDP per capita made the largest contribution to PM2.5 concentrations, while the number of civil vehicles made the least contribution; and (3) the higher the development level of a factor, the greater the contribution it makes to PM2.5 concentrations. It was also found that a bi-directional Granger causal nexus exists between PM2.5 concentrations and economic progress as well as between PM2.5 concentrations and the urbanization process for all provinces. Policy recommendations were finally obtained through empirical discussions, which include that provincial governments should adjust the economic and industrial development patterns, restrict immigration to intensive urban areas, decrease the successful proportion of vehicle licenses, and promote electric vehicles as a substitute to petrol vehicles.
机译:随着中国经济的快速发展,环境问题日益突出,尤其是PM2.5(直径小于2.5μm的颗粒物)浓度对人体健康产生了不利影响。考虑到PM2.5浓度主要是由人为活动引起的,本文选择经济增长,经济结构,城市化和民用车辆数量为主要因素,然后探索这些变量与PM2.5浓度之间的联系。采用中国31个省的面板数据模型。估计模型表明:(1)华北,华中和华东省份的变量系数大于其他省份; (2)人均GDP对PM2.5浓度的贡献最大,而民用车辆数量的贡献最小。 (3)一个因素的发展水平越高,它对PM2.5浓度的贡献就越大。还发现,PM2.5浓度与经济进步之间以及PM2.5浓度与所有省份的城市化过程之间存在双向Granger因果关系。通过经验讨论最终获得了政策建议,其中包括省级政府应调整经济和工业发展模式,将移民限制在密集的城市地区,减少车辆牌照的成功比例,并推广电动车辆替代汽油车辆。



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