首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Insects >Classical Biological Control of Invasive Legacy Crop Pests: New Technologies Offer Opportunities to Revisit Old Pest Problems in Perennial Tree Crops

Classical Biological Control of Invasive Legacy Crop Pests: New Technologies Offer Opportunities to Revisit Old Pest Problems in Perennial Tree Crops




Advances in scientific disciplines that support classical biological control have provided “new tools” that could have important applications for biocontrol programs for some long-established invasive arthropod pests. We suggest that these previously unavailable tools should be used in biological control programs targeting “legacy pests”, even if they have been targets of previously unsuccessful biocontrol projects. Examples of “new tools” include molecular analyses to verify species identities and likely geographic area of origin, climate matching and ecological niche modeling, preservation of natural enemy genetic diversity in quarantine, the use of theory from invasion biology to maximize establishment likelihoods for natural enemies, and improved understanding of the interactions between natural enemy and target pest microbiomes. This review suggests that opportunities exist for revisiting old pest problems and funding research programs using “new tools” for developing biological control programs for “legacy pests” could provide permanent suppression of some seemingly intractable pest problems. As a case study, we use citricola scale, Coccus pseudomagnoliarum, an invasive legacy pest of California citrus, to demonstrate the potential of new tools to support a new classical biological control program targeting this insect.
机译:支持经典生物防治的科学学科的进步提供了“新工具”,这些新工具可能在某些长期存在的入侵节肢动物害虫的生物防治计划中具有重要应用。我们建议将这些先前无法使用的工具用于针对“遗留有害生物”的生物防治计划中,即使它们已成为先前未能成功进行生物防治项目的目标。 “新工具”的例子包括分子分析,以验证物种的身份和可能的起源地理区域,气候匹配和生态位建模,在检疫中保护天敌遗传多样性,利用入侵生物学理论最大化天敌的建立可能性,并进一步了解天敌与目标害虫微生物群之间的相互作用。这项审查表明,有机会重新审视旧的有害生物问题,并使用“新工具”为研究计划供资,以制定针对“遗留有害生物”的生物防治计划,可以永久性地抑制一些看似棘手的有害生物问题。作为案例研究,我们使用柠檬酸鳞片,Coccus pseudomagnoliarum,一种加利福尼亚柑橘的入侵性传统害虫,展示了支持这种昆虫的新工具支持新的经典生物防治计划的潜力。



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