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She Always Steps in the Same River: Similarity Among Long-Term Partners in Their Demographic, Physical, and Personality Characteristics




In mate choice, individuals consider a wide pool of potential partners. It has been found that people have certain preferences, but intraindividual stability of mate choice over time remains little explored. We tested individual consistency of mate choice with respect to a number of demographic, physical, and personality characteristics. Only mothers were recruited for this study, because we wanted to find out not only whether women choose long-term partners with certain characteristics but also whether the father of their child(ren) differs from their other long-term (ex-)partners. Women (N = 537) of 19–45 years of age indicated the demographic, physical (by using image stimuli), and personality characteristics of all of their long-term partners (partners per respondent: mean = 2.98, SD = 1.32). Then we compared the average difference between an individual’s long-term partners with the expected average difference using a permutation test. We also evaluated differences between partners who had children with the participants (fathers) and other long-term partners (non-fathers) using permutation tests and mixed-effect models. Our results revealed that women choose long-term partners consistently with respect to all types of characteristics. Although effect sizes for the individual characteristics were rather weak, maximal cumulative effect size for all characteristics together was high, which suggests that relatively low effect sizes were caused by high variability with low correlations between characteristics, and not by inconsistent mate choice. Furthermore, we found that despite some differences between partners, fathers of participants’ child(ren) do fit their ‘type’. These results suggest that mate choice may be guided by relatively stable but to some degree flexible preferences, which makes mate choice cognitively less demanding and less time-consuming. Further longitudinal studies are needed to confirm this conclusion.
机译:在择偶时,个人会考虑大量潜在的伴侣。已经发现人们有一定的偏好,但是随着时间的流逝,配偶选择的个体内在稳定性仍然很少被探索。我们针对许多人口统计学,身体和性格特征测试了伴侣选择的个体一致性。仅招募母亲参加这项研究,因为我们不仅想了解妇女是否选择具有某些特征的长期伴侣,而且还要寻找孩子的父亲与其他长期伴侣(前伴侣)是否不同。 19-45岁的女性(N = 537)显示了其所有长期伴侣的人口统计学,生理状况(通过使用图像刺激)和个性特征(每个受访者的伴侣:平均值= 2.98,SD = 1.32)。然后,我们使用排列检验将个人长期合作伙伴之间的平均差异与预期的平均差异进行了比较。我们还使用排列检验和混合效应模型评估了与参与者(父亲)有孩子的伴侣和其他长期伴侣(非父亲)之间的差异。我们的结果表明,女性在所有类型的特征方面始终选择长期伴侣。尽管单个特征的效应大小相当弱,但所有特征的最大累积效应大小在一起很高,这表明相对较低的效应大小是由高变异性引起的,特征之间的相关性较低,而不是由不一致的配偶选择引起的。此外,我们发现,尽管伴侣之间存在一些差异,但参与者的孩子的父亲确实适合他们的“类型”。这些结果表明,伴侣的选择可能受到相对稳定但在一定程度上具有灵活偏好的指导,这使得伴侣的选择在认知上要求较低且耗时较少。需要进一步的纵向研究以证实这一结论。



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