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Exploring the role of space-defining objects in constructing and maintaining imagined scenes




It has recently been observed that certain objects, when viewed or imagined in isolation, evoke a strong sense of three-dimensional local space surrounding them (space-defining (SD) objects), while others do not (space-ambiguous (SA) objects), and this is associated with engagement of the parahippocampal cortex (PHC). But activation of the PHC is classically associated with scene stimuli. The comparable neural response within PHC to both full scenes and single SD objects, led us to hypothesise that SD objects might play a more critical role in the construction and maintenance of scene representations than SA objects. To test this we used scene construction and deconstruction paradigms, where participants gradually built and maintained scenes using SD, SA and background (wall, floors) items. By examining the order in which each item was added (and later removed) to (and from) a scene, we could estimate the significance of each item type. In two different experiments, participants chose SD over SA objects and background items as the first and most critical item in their constructed scenes and, more generally, selected SD objects earlier than SA objects across the scene construction process. When deconstructing scenes, participants retained significantly more SD objects than SA objects, and the last remaining object across all scenes was highly likely to be an SD object. SD objects therefore enjoy a privileged role in scene construction and maintenance, and appear to be an essential building block of scenes.
机译:最近观察到,某些对象在单独查看或想象时会引起强烈的围绕它们的三维局部空间感(空间定义(SD)对象),而其他对象则没有(空间模糊(SA)对象) ),这与海马旁皮质(PHC)的接合有关。但是,PHC的激活通常与场景刺激相关。 PHC中对完整场景和单个SD对象的可比神经反应使我们假设SD对象在场景表示的构建和维护中可能比SA对象扮演更关键的角色。为了测试这一点,我们使用了场景构建和解构范式,参与者使用SD,SA和背景(墙,地板)项逐步构建和维护场景。通过检查向场景中添加(和从场景中删除)每个项目的顺序,我们可以估计每个项目类型的重要性。在两个不同的实验中,参与者选择SD而不是SA对象和背景项目作为其构建场景中的第一个也是最关键的项目,并且更普遍地,在场景构建过程中,选择的SD对象要早于SA对象。解构场景时,参与者保留的SD对象比SA对象多得多,并且所有场景中最后剩余的对象很可能是SD对象。因此,SD对象在场景构建和维护中享有特权,并且似乎是场景的基本构建块。



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