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Religiosity is negatively associated with later-life intelligence but not with age-related cognitive decline




A well-replicated finding in the psychological literature is the negative correlation between religiosity and intelligence. However, several studies also conclude that one form of religiosity, church attendance, is protective against later-life cognitive decline. No effects of religious belief per se on cognitive decline have been found, potentially due to the restricted measures of belief used in previous studies. Here, we examined the associations between religiosity, intelligence, and cognitive change in a cohort of individuals (initial n = 550) with high-quality measures of religious belief taken at age 83 and multiple cognitive measures taken in childhood and at four waves between age 79 and 90. We found that religious belief, but not attendance, was negatively related to intelligence. The effect size was smaller than in previous studies of younger participants. Longitudinal analyses showed no effect of either religious belief or attendance on cognitive change either from childhood to old age, or across the ninth decade of life. We discuss differences between our cohort and those in previous studies – including in age and location – that may have led to our non-replication of the association between religious attendance and cognitive decline.
机译:在心理学文献中,一个很好复制的发现是宗教信仰和智力之间的负相关。但是,一些研究还得出结论,一种宗教形式,即教堂出席率,可以防止以后的认知能力下降。尚未发现宗教信仰本身对认知能力下降的影响,这可能是由于先前研究中使用的信仰测量手段有限。在这里,我们检查了一群人(初始n = 550)中宗教,智力和认知变化之间的关联,这些个体在83岁时采取了高质量的宗教信仰措施,并在儿童期和年龄之间的四次浪潮中采取了多种认知措施79和90.我们发现,宗教信仰而不是出勤率与智力呈负相关。效果的大小小于以前对年轻参与者的研究。纵向分析显示,无论是从童年到老年,还是整个生命的第九个十年,宗教信仰或出勤率对认知变化均无影响。我们讨论了我们的队列与以前的研究(包括年龄和位置)之间的差异,这可能导致我们无法复制宗教出席率与认知能力下降之间的关联。



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