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Drosophila Ovarian Germline Stem Cell Cytocensor Projections Dynamically Receive and Attenuate BMP Signaling




class="head no_bottom_margin" id="sec1title">IntroductionThe stem cell niche is a tissue microenvironment, specialized in structure and function, that ensures the self-renewal and survival of cells needed to maintain tissue homeostasis throughout an organism’s life. The first niche was characterized in the Drosophila ovarian germline (, ) where the Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) family member, Decapentaplegic (Dpp), was found to be necessary for maintenance of germline stem cells (GSCs) (, ). Since this discovery, there has been an explosion in the identification and characterization of stem cell niches in most tissues and model organisms ().Within the Drosophila ovary, GSCs are maintained at the anterior tip in discrete structures called germaria (). A small population of somatic cells, the cap cells (CpCs), contact the GSCs through E-cadherin (Ecad)-based adherens junctions (AJs) () and promote stem cell identity through the secretion of Dpp homodimers or Dpp-Glassbottom boat (Gbb) heterodimers. Dpp signals at an exquisitely short range to maintain 2–3 GSCs per niche. Upon cell division, one daughter cell exits the niche, allowing it to move out of the range of the Dpp signal and differentiate into a cystoblast (CB). Multiple mechanisms have been described for restricting Dpp range, including stabilization or concentration of Dpp within the niche by the heparan sulphate proteoglycan (HSPG) Divisions abnormally delayed (Dally), sequestration by a collagen IV (CollIV) matrix between the GSCs and CpCs, and escort cell (EC) expression of the Dpp receptor, Thickveins (Tkv), which acts as a “decoy” to soak up any free BMP ligand (). The most anterior ECs thus define the posterior limit of the GSC niche and contact the differentiating CBs to create a differentiation niche.Within GSCs, the BMP signal is transduced by phosphorylation and activation of the Smad1/5 ortholog, Mothers against Dpp (Mad). Mad oligomerizes with the Smad4 ortholog Medea, leading to their nuclear accumulation (). A key Dpp target gene in GSCs is bag of marbles (bam), encoding an essential differentiation factor, which is repressed by Dpp signaling (, ). Upon cell division, the daughter cell that exits the niche derepresses bam, which initiates the differentiation program. However, few Dpp target genes have been identified in GSCs, and there is little understanding of how the BMP self-renewal signal may positively act on GSC identity. Therefore, we used RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to identify the GSC transcriptional network, including genes that are regulated by the Dpp signal. These data reveal that the GSC synthesizes different types of cellular projections that function to receive the niche BMP signal, including one class that also plays an active role in BMP signal attenuation, which we thus refer to as “cytocensors.”
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ sec1title”>简介干细胞小生境是一种组织微环境,专门研究结构和功能,可确保在生物的整个生命过程中维持组织稳态所需的细胞自我更新和存活。第一个小生境是在果蝇卵巢种系中表征的,其中发现了骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)家族十足瘫痪(Dpp)是维持种系干细胞(GSC)所必需的。自从这一发现以来,大多数组织和模型生物中干细胞壁identification的鉴定和表征都出现了爆炸式增长。在果蝇卵巢中,GSCs被维持在称为细菌的离散结构的前尖端。一小部分的体细胞,即帽细胞(CpC),通过基于E-cadherin(Ecad)的粘附连接(AJs)与GSC接触(),并通过Dpp同型二聚体或Dpp-Glassbottom Boat( Gbb)异二聚体。 Dpp在非常短的范围内发出信号,以每个小生境维持2-3个GSC。细胞分裂后,一个子细胞离开壁the,使其移出Dpp信号范围,并分化为成胚细胞(CB)。已经描述了多种限制Dpp范围的机制,包括通过异常延迟(Dally)的乙酰肝素硫酸盐蛋白聚糖(HSPG)划分,稳定GSC和CpC之间的胶原IV(CollIV)基质来隔离Dpp或稳定Dpp的浓度。 Dpp受体Thinveins(Tkv)的护卫细胞(EC)表达,它充当“诱饵”吸收任何游离的BMP配体()。因此,最靠前的EC定义了GSC生态位的后限并接触分化的CB以创建分化生态位。在GSC中,BMP信号是通过Smad1 / 5直向同源物,抗Dpp的母亲(Mad)的磷酸化和激活来转导的。 Mad与Smad4直向同源物美狄亚(Medea)寡聚,导致其核积累()。 GSC中关键的Dpp靶基因是一袋弹珠(bam),编码必需的分化因子,该因子被Dpp信号转导(,)抑制。细胞分裂后,离开小生境的子细胞会抑制bam,从而启动分化程序。然而,在GSC中几乎没有发现Dpp靶基因,并且对BMP自我更新信号如何对GSC身份产生积极作用的了解很少。因此,我们使用RNA测序(RNA-seq)来识别GSC转录网络,包括受Dpp信号调控的基因。这些数据表明,GSC合成了不同类型的细胞投射物,这些细胞投射物的功能是接收利基BMP信号,包括一类在BMP信号衰减中也起着积极作用的细胞投射物,因此我们将其称为“细胞检查器”。



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