首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >The Historical Distribution of Main Malaria Foci in Spain as Related to Water Bodies

The Historical Distribution of Main Malaria Foci in Spain as Related to Water Bodies




The possible connectivity between the spatial distribution of water bodies suitable for vectors of malaria and endemic malaria foci in Southern Europe is still not well known. Spain was one of the last countries in Western Europe to be declared free of malaria by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1964. This study combines, by means of a spatial-temporal analysis, the historical data of patients and deceased with the distribution of water bodies where the disease-transmitting mosquitos proliferate. Therefore, data from historical archives with a Geographic Information System (GIS), using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation method, was analyzed with the aim of identifying regional differences in the distribution of malaria in Spain. The reasons, why the risk of transmission is concentrated in specific regions, are related to worse socioeconomic conditions (Extremadura), the presence of another vector (Anopheles labranchiae) besides A. atroparvus (Levante) or large areas of water bodies in conditions to reproduce theses vectors (La Mancha and Western Andalusia). In the particular case of Western Andalusia, in 1913, the relatively high percentage of 4.73% of the surface, equal to 202362 ha, corresponds to wetlands and other unhealthy water bodies. These wetlands have been reduced as a result of desiccation policies and climate change such as the Little Ice Age and Global Climate Change. The comprehension of the main factors of these wetland changes in the past can help us interpret accurately the future risk of malaria re-emergence in temperate latitudes, since it reveals the crucial role of unhealthy water bodies on the distribution, endemicity and eradication of malaria in southern Europe.
机译:在南欧,适合疟疾病媒的水体的空间分布与地方性疟疾疫源之间的可能连通性仍然未知。西班牙是1964年被世界卫生组织(WHO)宣布为无疟疾的西欧最后一个国家之一。该研究通过时空分析的方法将患者的历史数据与死者的分布情况结合起来传播疾病的蚊子扩散的水域。因此,使用反向距离加权(IDW)插值方法分析了具有地理信息系统(GIS)的历史档案中的数据,目的是确定西班牙疟疾分布的地区差异。传播风险集中在特定区域的原因与恶劣的社会经济条件(Extremadura),除黄曲霉(Levante)以外还有另一种媒介(Anopheles labranchiae)或在繁殖条件下存在大面积水体有关提要向量(La Mancha和Western Andalusia)。在1913年的安达卢西亚西部特殊情况下,地表的4.73%的较高比例(等于202362公顷)对应于湿地和其他不健康的水体。由于干旱政策和小冰河世纪和全球气候变化等气候变化,这些湿地已经减少。过去对这些湿地变化的主要因素的理解可以帮助我们准确地解释温带地区疟疾再次出现的未来风险,因为它揭示了不健康的水体在疟疾的分布,流行和根除方面的关键作用。南欧。



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