首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Drinking Water Quality Guidelines across Canadian Provinces and Territories: Jurisdictional Variation in the Context of Decentralized Water Governance

Drinking Water Quality Guidelines across Canadian Provinces and Territories: Jurisdictional Variation in the Context of Decentralized Water Governance




This article presents the first comprehensive review and analysis of the uptake of the Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines (CDWQG) across Canada’s 13 provinces and territories. This review is significant given that Canada’s approach to drinking water governance is: (i) highly decentralized and (ii) discretionary. Canada is (along with Australia) only one of two Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member states that does not comply with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendation that all countries have national, legally binding drinking water quality standards. Our review identifies key differences in the regulatory approaches to drinking water quality across Canada’s 13 jurisdictions. Only 16 of the 94 CDWQG are consistently applied across all 13 jurisdictions; five jurisdictions use voluntary guidelines, whereas eight use mandatory standards. The analysis explores three questions of central importance for water managers and public health officials: (i) should standards be uniform or variable; (ii) should compliance be voluntary or legally binding; and (iii) should regulation and oversight be harmonized or delegated? We conclude with recommendations for further research, with particular reference to the relevance of our findings given the high degree of variability in drinking water management and oversight capacity between urban and rural areas in Canada.
机译:本文介绍了加拿大13个省和地区对《加拿大饮用水水质准则》(CDWQG)的采用情况的首次全面审查和分析。鉴于加拿大在饮用水管理方面的方法是:(i)高度权力下放和(ii)自由裁量权,因此此项审查意义重大。加拿大(与澳大利亚一起)是经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的两个成员国之一,它们不遵守世界卫生组织(WHO)的建议,即所有国家都具有国家法律约束性的饮用水水质标准。我们的审查发现了加拿大13个辖区在饮用水水质监管方法上的主要差异。在94个CDWQG中,只有16个在所有13个辖区一致适用;五个辖区使用自愿准则,而八个辖区使用强制性标准。该分析探讨了对水管理者和公共卫生官员至关重要的三个问题:(i)标准应统一还是可变; (ii)遵守行为是自愿的还是具有法律约束力的; (iii)是否应统一或委派监管与监督?最后,我们提出了进一步研究的建议,特别是考虑到加拿大城市和农村地区之间饮用水管理和监督能力的高度差异,我们的研究结果具有相关性。



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