首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Molecular Sciences >A Genomic Survey of SCPP Family Genes in Fishes Provides Novel Insights into the Evolution of Fish Scales

A Genomic Survey of SCPP Family Genes in Fishes Provides Novel Insights into the Evolution of Fish Scales




The family of secretory calcium-binding phosphoproteins (SCPPs) have been considered vital to skeletal tissue mineralization. However, most previous SCPP studies focused on phylogenetically distant animals but not on those closely related species. Here we provide novel insights into the coevolution of SCPP genes and fish scales in 10 species from Otophysi. According to their scale phenotypes, these fishes can be divided into three groups, i.e., scaled, sparsely scaled, and scaleless. We identified homologous SCPP genes in the genomes of these species and revealed an absence of some SCPP members in some genomes, suggesting an uneven evolutionary history of SCPP genes in fishes. In addition, most of these SCPP genes, with the exception of SPP1, individually form one or two gene cluster(s) on each corresponding genome. Furthermore, we constructed phylogenetic trees using maximum likelihood method to estimate their evolution. The phylogenetic topology mostly supports two subclasses in some species, such as Cyprinus carpio, Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis, S. grahamin, and S. rhinocerous, but not in the other examined fishes. By comparing the gene structures of recently reported candidate genes, SCPP1 and SCPP5, for determining scale phenotypes, we found that the hypothesis is suitable for Astyanax mexicanus, but denied by S. anshuiensis, even though they are both sparsely scaled for cave adaptation. Thus, we conclude that, although different fish species display similar scale phenotypes, the underlying genetic changes however might be diverse. In summary, this paper accelerates the recognition of the SCPP family in teleosts for potential scale evolution.
机译:分泌性钙结合磷蛋白(SCPP)家族被认为对骨骼组织矿化至关重要。但是,以前的大多数SCPP研究都集中在系统发育距离较远的动物上,而不是在那些密切相关的物种上。在这里,我们提供了有关来自Otophysi的10种物种中SCPP基因和鱼鳞的共同进化的新颖见解。根据它们的规模表型,这些鱼可分为三类,即鳞鱼,稀疏鳞鱼和无鳞鱼。我们在这些物种的基因组中鉴定出同源的SCPP基因,并发现某些基因组中缺少一些SCPP成员,这表明鱼类中SCPP基因的进化史不均匀。此外,除SPP1外,大多数这些SCPP基因在每个相应的基因组上分别形成一个或两个基因簇。此外,我们使用最大似然法构建了系统树,以评估其进化。系统发育的拓扑结构在某些物种中主要支持两个亚类,例如鲤鱼,安徽中华环线虫,沙门氏菌和犀牛,而在其他鱼类中则不支持。通过比较最近报道的候选基因SCPP1和SCPP5的基因结构来确定规模表型,我们发现该假设适用于墨西哥Astyanax,但被S.anshuiensis否定了,即使它们都为适应洞穴适应而进行了稀疏缩放。因此,我们得出结论,尽管不同的鱼类显示出相似的规模表型,但是潜在的遗传变化可能是多样的。总而言之,本文加快了硬骨鱼中 SCPP 家族对潜在规模进化的认识。



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