首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife >Evidence for intercontinental parasite exchange through molecular detection and characterization of haematozoa in northern pintails (Anas acuta) sampled throughout the North Pacific Basin

Evidence for intercontinental parasite exchange through molecular detection and characterization of haematozoa in northern pintails (Anas acuta) sampled throughout the North Pacific Basin

机译:通过分子检测和表征北太平洋流域北部长尾(Anas acuta)的线虫的洲际寄生虫交换的证据



class="kwd-title">Keywords: Anas acuta, Haematozoa, Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, Northern pintail, Pacific Basin, Plasmodium class="head no_bottom_margin" id="idm140061692317040title">AbstractEmpirical evidence supports wild birds as playing a role in the interhemispheric exchange of bacteria and viruses; however, data supporting the redistribution of parasites among continents are limited. In this study, the hypothesis that migratory birds contribute to the redistribution of parasites between continents was tested by sampling northern pintails (Anas acuta) at locations throughout the North Pacific Basin in North America and East Asia for haemosporidian infections and assessing the genetic evidence for parasite exchange. Of 878 samples collected from birds in Alaska (USA), California (USA), and Hokkaido (Japan) during August 2011–May 2012 and screened for parasitic infections using molecular techniques, Leucocytozoon, Haemoproteus, and Plasmodium parasites were detected in 555 (63%), 44 (5%), and 52 (6%) samples, respectively. Using an occupancy modeling approach, the probability of detecting parasites via replicate genetic tests was estimated to be high (ρ > 0.95). Multi-model inference supported variation of Leucocytozoon parasite prevalence by northern pintail age class and geographic location of sampling in contrast to Haemoproteus and Plasmodium parasites for which there was only support for variation in parasite prevalence by sampling location. Thirty-one unique mitochondrial DNA haplotypes were detected among haematozoa infecting northern pintails including seven lineages shared between samples from North America and Japan. The finding of identical parasite haplotypes at widely distributed geographic locations and general lack of genetic structuring by continent in phylogenies for Leucocytozoon and Plasmodium provides evidence for intercontinental genetic exchange of haemosporidian parasites. Results suggest that migratory birds, including waterfowl, could therefore facilitate the introduction of avian malaria and other haemosporidia to novel hosts and spatially distant regions.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>关键字: Anas acuta,Haematozoa,Haemoproteus,Leucocytozoon,Northern pintail,Pacific Basin,Plasmodium class =“ head no_bottom_margin“ id =” idm14006169231704040title“>摘要经验证据支持野生鸟类在半球细菌和病毒的交换中发挥了作用;但是,支持各大洲之间的寄生虫再分布的数据有限。在这项研究中,通过对北美和东亚整个北太平洋盆地各地的北部长尾pin(Anas acuta)进行血吸虫感染的评估,并评估了寄生虫的遗传证据,检验了候鸟对各大洲之间的寄生虫重新分布的假设。交换。在2011年8月至2012年5月间从阿拉斯加(美国),加利福尼亚(美国)和北海道(日本)的鸟类中采集的878个样本中,使用分子技术筛查了寄生虫感染,在555例中检测到Leucocytozoon,Haemoproteus和Plasmodium寄生虫(63 %),44(5%)和52(6%)样品。使用居住建模方法,通过重复遗传测试检测到寄生虫的可能性估计很高(ρ> 0.95)。多模型推论支持北针尾年龄等级和抽样地理位置对白细胞共生虫寄生虫流行率的变化,而血红蛋白和疟原虫寄生虫仅通过抽样地点支持寄生虫流行率的变化。在感染北部尾巴的线虫中发现了三十一种独特的线粒体DNA单倍型,包括来自北美和日本的样品中共有的七个谱系。在广泛分布的地理位置上发现相同的寄生虫单倍型,以及在大陆上对于白细胞微囊虫和疟原虫的遗传结构普遍缺乏遗传构造,为血吸虫寄生虫的洲际遗传交换提供了证据。结果表明,候鸟,包括水禽,可以促进将禽类疟疾和其他血吸虫病引入新的寄主和空间上遥远的地区。



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