首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Internal Medicine >Sepsis Caused by Newly Identified Capnocytophaga canis Following Cat Bites: C. canis Is the Third Candidate along with C. canimorsus and C. cynodegmi Causing Zoonotic Infection

Sepsis Caused by Newly Identified Capnocytophaga canis Following Cat Bites: C. canis Is the Third Candidate along with C. canimorsus and C. cynodegmi Causing Zoonotic Infection

机译:在猫咬后由新近鉴定的Capnocytophaga canis引起的败血症:C。canis是导致人畜共患病感染的C. canimorsus和C. cynodegmi的第三个候选对象



Sepsis caused by a Capnocytophaga canis infection has only been rarely reported. A 67-year-old female with a past medical history of splenectomy was admitted to our hospital with fever and general malaise. She had been bitten by a cat. She showed disseminated intravascular coagulation and multi-organ failure because of severe sepsis. On blood culture, characteristic gram-negative fusiform rods were detected; therefore, a Capnocytophaga species infection was suspected. A nucleotide sequence analysis revealed the species to be C. canis, which was newly identified in 2016. C. canis may have low virulence in humans; however, C. canis with oxidase activity may cause severe zoonotic infection.
机译:很少有报道由Capnocytophaga canis感染引起的败血症。一位有脾切除病史的67岁女性因发烧和全身不适而入院。她被猫咬了。由于严重的败血症,她表现出弥散性的血管内凝血和多器官功能衰竭。在血液培养中,检测到特征性革兰氏阴性梭形杆;因此,怀疑是Capnocytophaga种感染。核苷酸序列分析显示该物种为犬科犬,2016年新发现。犬科犬对人的毒力可能较低;但是,具有氧化酶活性的犬梭状芽胞杆菌可能引起严重的人畜共患感染。



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