首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS >Comparison of Selamectin and Imidacloprid plus Permethrin in Eliminating Leporacarus gibbus Infestation in Laboratory Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Comparison of Selamectin and Imidacloprid plus Permethrin in Eliminating Leporacarus gibbus Infestation in Laboratory Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

机译:西拉菌素和吡虫啉加氯菊酯在实验室兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus)消除沙门氏菌长臂猿侵袭中的比较



A shipment of New Zealand white rabbits was infested with Leporacarus gibbus, a rabbit fur mite. This study compared the effectiveness of selamectin with that of imidocloprid plus permethrin in eliminating the mite infestation. Rabbits were divided into 2 groups, and either selamectin or imidocloprid plus permethrin was applied topically. Visual and microscopic examinations were performed on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, and 27 for 5 sites (the left and right gluteal areas, neck, ventral tail, and abdomen). Mean percentage effectiveness for each treatment was calculated for each time point. Positive and negative predictive value, sensitivity, and specificity of visual examination were determined relative to microscopic assessment. In addition, location prevalence for the mites was determined. Both treatments were 100% effective by day 13, but selamectin was 100% effective by day 3. The positive predictive value of visual examination was 96%, its negative predictive value was 86%, sensitivity was 75%, and specificity was 98%. Parasite burden was most prevalent on the right and left gluteal areas. We conclude that although both imidocloprid plus permethrin and selamectin were effective against L. gibbus, treatment with selamectin more rapidly eliminated the infestation.
机译:一批新西兰白兔被兔毛螨Leporacarus gibbus感染。这项研究比较了西拉菌素和亚美多普利加氯菊酯在消除螨虫侵袭中的有效性。将兔子分成两组,局部施用西拉克丁或咪喹多普利加氯菊酯。在第0、1、2、3、4、5、6、13和27天对5个部位(左臀和右臀,颈部,腹侧尾巴和腹部)进行了视觉和显微镜检查。计算每个时间点每种治疗的平均有效百分比。相对于显微镜评估,确定阳性和阴性预测值,敏感性和视觉检查的特异性。另外,确定了螨的位置流行度。两种治疗在第13天均有效,而西拉菌素在第3天时有效100%。视觉检查的阳性预测值为96%,阴性预测值为86%,敏感性为75%,特异性为98%。寄生虫负担在左右臀区最为普遍。我们得出的结论是,尽管吡虫啉加苄氯菊酯和Selamectin均能有效地防治长臂猿L. gibbus,但用Selamectin治疗可以更快地消除这种病。



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