首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics >Plasma Substance-P and Substance-K and Gonadal Steroids in Relation to the Gonadotropin Surge in Normal Human Reproductive Cycles

Plasma Substance-P and Substance-K and Gonadal Steroids in Relation to the Gonadotropin Surge in Normal Human Reproductive Cycles




>Purpose:This study wax designed to examine changes in peripheral plasma substance-P and -K levels, their association with follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone release in normal reproductive cycles in humans, and their correlation with plasma estradiol and progesterone.>Methods:Fourteen healthy, normally menstruating women underwent daily blood sampling (cycle day 4, 4–14 days) for measurement of estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone, substances-P and -K, and daily transvaginal ultrasounds assessing follicular growth and documentation of ovulation.>Results:Estradiol peaked on day 13, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone peaked on day 14, and progesterone began an exponential increase on about day 13.>Conclusions:In contrast to other experimental designs using in vitro or in vivo rat or monkey tissue, peripheral levels of substances-P (P = 0.8391) and -K (P = 0.3205) reflected no modulation related to midcycle gonadotropin release in cycling woman.
机译:>目的:该研究蜡旨在检查人正常生殖周期中外周血浆物质P和K的变化,它们与促卵泡激素和黄体激素释放的关系,以及它们与血浆的关系。雌二醇和孕酮。>方法: 14名健康,经期正常的妇女,每天进行血液采样(第4天,第4–14天),以测量雌二醇,孕激素,促黄体激素和促卵泡激素等物质。 -P和-K,以及每日阴道超声评估卵泡生长和排卵记录。>结果:雌二醇在第13天达到峰值,黄体生成素和促卵泡激素在第14天达到峰值,孕酮开始呈指数级增长在大约第13天增加。>结论:与使用体外或体内大鼠或猴子组织进行的其他实验设计相反,物质P的外周水平(P = 0.8391)和-K(P = 0.3205)反映没有调节与骑车女性中周期促性腺激素释放有关。



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