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Personalized Medicine – Future Impact Pharma Industry Perspective




>s2-1Scientific understanding of the genetic aberrations driving disease is advancing at a rapid pace, heralding the advent of the long awaited era of personalized medicine. For patients, personalized medicine promises the opportunity to benefit from the most effective treatment that targets the fundamental driver of their disease, while also potentially avoiding toxicity. For payers, personalized medicine is attractive as a mechanism to control usage of expensive drugs, and avoid wasteful expenditure on treatments that are ineffective. For the pharmaceutical industry personalized medicine presents both challenges and opportunities. Many pharmaceutical companies have committed to the vision of ‘right drug, right patient, right time‘, particularly in therapeutic areas such as oncology and neuroscience. Pharma recognizes that this strategy provides the opportunity to achieve substantial clinical advances in specific patient populations, compared with currently available “non-specific” medications which is expected to create a compelling value proposition and to facilitate reimbursement by payers. Drug development timelines could be accelerated, and success rates improved by conducting trials in molecularly selected patient populations that result in more rapid proof of concept and more robust clinical outcomes, allowing smaller Phase 3 trials. However, there are also significant challenges. Most importantly, the drug developer must be able to achieve the requisite return on investment despite the restricted market size. In addition, drug development costs may be increased due to the complexities of biomarker analysis and diagnostic development. Molecular profiling is an emerging science, and several large and expensive drug development programs have faltered due to the selection of the wrong biomarker to guide patient selection. Trials involving biomarkers are attracting high interest from researchers, but require new competencies in trial design, data analysis and investigator expertise in sample collection and management. Greater statistical and computing power is necessary to mine data for complicated relationships between genetic, biological and environmental factors. Additionally, if the right biomarker was not identified prospectively, there is currently no regulatory pathway for approval via a retrospective analysis. Regulatory approval pathways for therapeutics and their companion diagnostics are not well established. In the US, the diagnostic and therapeutic are reviewed by different agencies, and the requirements of each are not completely aligned, creating additional complexity. Global regulatory processes for companion diagnostics are even more diverse and challenging. Additionally, the companion diagnostic needs to be available for validation during the clinical development phase, but with the risks inherent in drug development, and limited reimbursement, diagnostic manufacturers have little incentive to develop such tests “at risk”. Despite the challenges, personalized medicine is widely believed to offer the best prospect of effective treatment and cure for patients with serious diseases. The relevant stakeholders – Pharma and biotech, diagnostic companies, regulatory agencies, payers and policy makers, must be committed to working together to provide incentives and remove obstacles so that this goal can become a reality.
机译:> s2-1 对导致疾病的遗传畸变的科学理解正在迅速发展,预示着期待已久的个性化医学时代的到来。对于患者而言,个性化医学有望带来机会,受益于针对其疾病基本驱动因素的最有效治疗,同时还可以避免毒性。对于付款人而言,个性化药物作为控制昂贵药物使用并避免浪费无效治疗费用的一种机制,具有吸引力。对于制药行业而言,个性化医学既带来挑战,也带来机遇。许多制药公司一直致力于“正确的药物,正确的患者,正确的时间”的愿景,尤其是在肿瘤学和神经科学等治疗领域。制药公司认识到,与目前可利用的“非特异性”药物相比,该策略为特定患者群体提供了实现重大临床进展的机会,该药物有望创造引人注目的价值主张并促进付款人的报销。通过在分子选择的患者人群中进行试验,可以加快药物开发的时间表,并提高成功率,从而可以更快速地进行概念验证和更可靠的临床结果,从而可以进行更小的3期试验。但是,也存在重大挑战。最重要的是,尽管市场规模有限,药物开发人员仍必须能够获得必要的投资回报。此外,由于生物标志物分析和诊断开发的复杂性,药物开发成本可能会增加。分子谱分析是一门新兴科学,由于选择了错误的生物标志物来指导患者选择,一些大型且昂贵的药物开发计划步履蹒跚。涉及生物标志物的试验吸引了研究人员的高度兴趣,但需要在试验设计,数据分析和研究人员在样品收集和管理方面的专业知识方面具有新的能力。为了挖掘基因,生物学和环境因素之间复杂关系的数据,需要更大的统计和计算能力。此外,如果未正确识别正确的生物标志物,则目前尚无通过回顾性分析批准的监管途径。用于治疗剂及其伴随诊断的法规批准途径尚不完善。在美国,诊断和治疗方法由不同机构进行审查,并且每个机构的要求未完全统一,从而增加了复杂性。伴随诊断的全球监管流程更加多样化且更具挑战性。此外,需要在临床开发阶段进行伴随诊断的验证,但是伴随着药物开发固有的风险和有限的报销,诊断制造商几乎没有动力来开发这种“处于危险中”的测试。尽管面临挑战,但普遍认为个性化医学为严重疾病的患者提供有效治疗和治愈的最佳前景。相关的利益相关者–制药和生物技术,诊断公司,监管机构,付款人和政策制定者,必须致力于共同提供激励措施并消除障碍,以便使这一目标成为现实。



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