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Roller massage: is the numeric pain rating scale a reliable measurement and can it direct individuals with no experience to a specific roller density?




This investigation measured the reliability of the numeric pain rating scale (NPRS) for roller massage (RM) over two sessions and compared it to pressure pain threshold (PPT) during a third session. Twenty-five subjects participated. Session one, subjects rolled on 3 different rollers and filled out the NPRS for each roller then chose their preferred roller. Session two, subjects repeated the testing blind-folded to eliminate visual biases. Session three, subjects repeated testing but were measured with PPT. For the NPRS, there was poor to moderate reliability for the soft roller (ICC=0.60) and good reliability for the moderate (ICC=0.82) and hard density (ICC= 0.90) rollers. For preferred roller, there was no significant difference between sessions (t (24) =.00, p=1.00). For NPRS and PPT, there was a fair relationship for all rollers (Rho=0.34–0.49, p = 0.11–0.28). The NPRS appears to be a reliable measure and may help direct individuals to a specific roller. The NPRS and PPT should be used independently.
机译:这项研究测量了两个疗程中滚轮按摩(RM)的数字疼痛等级量表(NPRS)的可靠性,并将其与第三疗程中的压力疼痛阈值(PPT)进行了比较。二十五个主题参加了。第一节,受试者在3个不同的滚筒上滚动,并为每个滚筒填写NPRS,然后选择他们喜欢的滚筒。第二节,受试者重复试验以盲目方式消除视觉偏见。第三节,受试者重复测试,但用PPT进行测量。对于NPRS,软辊(ICC = 0.60)的可靠性差至中度,而中辊(ICC = 0.82)和硬密度(ICC = 0.90)的可靠性差。对于优选的滚筒,疗程之间无显着差异(t(24)= .00,p = 1.00)。对于NPRS和PPT,所有滚子之间都存在公平的关系(Rho = 0.34–0.49,p = 0.11–0.28)。 NPRS似乎是一种可靠的措施,可以帮助将个人定向到特定的滚筒。 NPRS和PPT应该独立使用。



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