首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Cancer >Anti-Gastrins Antiserum Combined with Lowered Dosage Cytotoxic Drugs to Inhibit the Growth of Human Gastric Cancer SGC7901 Cells in Nude Mice

Anti-Gastrins Antiserum Combined with Lowered Dosage Cytotoxic Drugs to Inhibit the Growth of Human Gastric Cancer SGC7901 Cells in Nude Mice




The objective of this study was to determine the effect of anti-gastrin antiserum in combination with varied dosages of cytotoxic drugs (5-Fluorouracil (5FU) + Cisplatin (CDDP)) in vivo growth of the human gastric cancer cell-line, SGC-7901, which expressed cholecystokininB/gastrin receptors and secreted gastrin. The anti-gastrin antiserum was obtained by immunizing rabbits using a novel immunogen vaccine, which was composed of the common amino-terminal portion of human carboxy-amidated gastrin-17 (G17) and glycine-extended gastrin-17 (gly-G17) and the common carboxy-terminal portion of progastrin (in a 50:50 mixture) all covalently linked to tetanus toxoid (TT) by specific peptide spacers. The antiserum neutralized both G17 and gly-G17 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and a synthetic progastrin peptide, as well, using an E. coli expressed his-tagged progastrin.The tumor was implanted subcutaneously into the backside of BALB/c nude mice, and the combination antibody-drug treatment using low dose combination chemotherapy had significantly reduced median tumor volumes (62% reduction; p =0.0018) and tumor weights (53% reduction; p =0.0062) when compared to the conventional high dose chemotherapy treated control mice that had a corresponding similar reductive effect, using just the two standard cytotoxic drugs alone; namely by reducing the tumor volumes (65%; p =0.0016) and tumor weights (59% reduction; p=0.0033). Importantly, the immunological treatment had little of the toxicities and side-effects of the full chemotherapy doses alone, which was effected by using a significant decrease in the dosage of chemotherapeutic drugs, while maintaining the same level of efficacy at reduction of tumor growth.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定抗胃泌素抗血清与不同剂量的细胞毒性药物(5-氟尿嘧啶(5FU)+顺铂(CDDP))在人胃癌细胞系SGC- 7901,它表达胆囊收缩素B /胃泌素受体并分泌胃泌素。抗胃泌素抗血清是通过使用新型免疫原疫苗免疫兔而获得的,该疫苗由人羧基酰胺化胃泌素17(G17)和甘氨酸延伸胃泌素17(gly-G17)的共同氨基末端部分组成,前胃泌素的常见羧基末端部分(以50:50的混合物形式)均通过特定的肽间隔子与破伤风类毒素(TT)共价连接。该抗血清通过酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)中和了G17和gly-G17,并使用大肠杆菌表达的带有他标记的前胃泌素合成了前胃泌素肽,并将该肿瘤皮下植入BALB / c裸鼠,与常规高剂量相比,使用低剂量联合化疗的抗体-药物联合治疗显着降低了中位肿瘤体积(减少62%; p = 0.0018)和肿瘤重量(减少53%; p = 0.0062)仅使用两种标准的细胞毒性药物,用化学疗法治疗的对照组小鼠具有相应的相似的还原作用;即减少肿瘤体积(65%; p = 0.0016)和减轻肿瘤重量(减少59%; p = 0.0033)。重要的是,免疫治疗仅具有完全化学疗法剂量的毒性和副作用很小,这是通过使用显着减少化疗药物剂量的方法来实现的,同时保持相同水平的降低肿瘤生长的功效。



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